Issue - meetings

DC079226 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT

Meeting: 13/09/2021 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee (Item 5)

5 DC079226 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Listed Building Consent) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Planning & Highways Regulation Committee grants planning permission.


Officer contact: Emma Curle,

Additional documents:


In respect of plan no. DC/079226 for the redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.


It was then


RESOLVED – That the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee be recommended to grant planning permission.