6 DC079225 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Full Application) PDF 2 MB
Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Emma Curle, planning.dc@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
In respect of plan no. DC079225 (Full Application) for redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works at Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, it was
RESOLVED – That the Corporate Director (Place) & Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to determine the application pending and subject to:-
(i) the completion of a comprehensive list of conditions and informatives to apply to the consent and not limited to those conditions expressly referred to in the report.
(ii) negotiation of the necessary obligations to be covered by a legal agreement which will secure the following :-
· Clawback provision of open space contributions and a financial offsite contribution to the provision of affordable housing, including covering the cost of the further assessment by independent professional advisors by the Council.
· Phased delivery of the development (note this matter may be covered by condition).
· Contributions towards the provision of Traffic Regulation Order
· Contributions towards the provision of off-site Electric Vehicle/ car club.
· Monitoring fee to include monitoring of the site wide travel plan.
1. DC079225 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Full Application) PDF 2 MB
Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer Contact: Emma Curle, planning.dc@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
5 DC079225 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Full Application) PDF 2 MB
Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Planning & Highways Regulation Committee grants planning permission.
Officer Contact: Emma Curle, planning.dc@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
In respect of plan no. DC/079225 for the redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works at Weir Mill, King Street West
a representative of the application spoke in support of the application
It was then
RESOLVED – (1) That the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee be recommended to grant planning permission.
(2) That it be noted that the site will be visited by Members of the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee Visiting Team.
5 DC079225 - Weir Mill, King Street West, Stockport, SK3 0DT (Full Application) PDF 145 KB
Redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Planning & Highways Regulation Committee grants planning permission.
Officer contact: Emma Curle, emma.curle@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
In respect of plan no. DC/079225 for the redevelopment comprising the repurposing of existing buildings and erection of new buildings for a mix of uses comprising 253no, residential homes alongside flexible commercial space (Use Class E), drinking establishments (Sui Generis Use), and hot food takeaways (Sui Generis Use); partial demolition, new public realm, vehicular access, car parking and cycle parking, and associated works.
a representative of the applicant spoke in support of the application.
It was then
RESOLVED – That the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee be recommended to grant planning permission.