Issue - meetings

Annual complaints report 2020-2021

Meeting: 29/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Annual complaints report 2020-2021 pdf icon PDF 183 KB

To consdier a report of the Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement.


The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of complaints received by the council and the lessons learnt from complaints in 2020-21. This report includes complaints received by the local authority that are managed by the complaints service. The scope of complaints included in this report covers:


·         Corporate complaints

·         Schools' complaints 

·         Adults social care complaints

·         Children’s social care complaints


This report also summarises complaints about Stockport Homes.


The Cabinet is invited to:-


·         Review performance information contained in this report, and

·         Comment on the performance measures reported and suggest any additional information that might be collected in future.


Officer contact: Kirsteen Roe on 0161 474 3376 or email:

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus & Engagement (Councillor David Sedgwick) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Cabinet with an overview of complaints, as at the end of 2020/21, including a comparison with the previous year and any lessons learnt from these complaints.


RESOLVED – That performance in relation to the complaints received in 2020/21 be noted.

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Annual Complaints Report 2020-2021 pdf icon PDF 525 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive


The purpose of the report is to provide an overview of complaints received by the Council and the lessons leant from the complaints in 2020-21. The report includes complaints received by the local authority that are managed by the complaints service. The scope of complaints include in the report included in the report covers:-


·         Corporate complaints

·         Schools’ complaints

·         Adults social care complaints

·         Children’s social care complaints


The report also summarises complaints about Stockport Homes.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to:-


·         Note the information contained in the report

·         Note the progress being taken to improve complaints handling across the Council.


Officer contact: Anwar Majothi on 0161 474 3182 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Corporate Director, Corporate and Support Services submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an overview of complaints received by the Council and the lessons learnt from the complaints in 2020-21. The report included complaints received by the Council that were managed by the complaints service. The scope of complaints included in the report covered:-


·         Corporate complaints

·         Schools’ complaints

·         Adults social care complaints

·         Children’s social care complaints


The report also summarised complaints about Stockport Homes.


The Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus and Engagement (Councillor David Sedgwick) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The number of complaints received by Stockport Homes was approximately 3% of its total number of properties.

·         The One Team approach to complaints to ensure a more holistic and consistent approach to complaint handling across the Council was supported.

·         It was queried whether there was any possibility of measuring the benefits of the One Team approach to complaints in the future.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.