Issue - meetings

Development Applications

Meeting: 05/04/2012 - Planning & Highways Regulation Committee (Item 6)

6 DC047887 - 86a Cote Green Road, Marple Bridge pdf icon PDF 3 MB

New dwelling


The Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.



In respect of plan no. 478847 for new dwelling at 86a Cote Green Road, Marple Bridge, it was


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted.


Meeting: 28/03/2012 - Marple Area Committee (Item 3)

3 Development Applications pdf icon PDF 711 KB

The following development application will be considered by the Area Committee:-


DC047887                 86a Cote Green Road, Marple Bridge


Full planning permission is sought for new dwelling.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend that the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee grants planning permission.


Officer Contact: Suzanne Broomhead on 474 3542 or email:



To consider the development applications where members of the public have attended the meeting in order to speak or hear the Area Committee’s deliberations.



To consider the remaining development applications.



To consider consultations (if any) received by the Service Director (Place Development) on any planning issues relevant to the Marple area.




A development application was submitted.


(NOTE: Full details of the decisions including conditions and reasons for granting or refusing planning permission and imposing conditions are given in the schedule of plans. The Corporate Director of Place is authorised to determine conditions and reasons and they are not therefore referred to in committee minutes unless the committee makes a specific decision on a condition or reason. In order to reduce printing costs and preserve natural resources, the schedule of plans is not reproduced within these minutes. A copy of the schedule of plans is available on the council’s website at Copies of the schedule of plans, or any part thereof, may be obtained from the Place Directorate upon payment of the Council’s reasonable charges)



In respect of plan no. 47887 for full planning permission at 86A Cote Green Road, Marple Bridge, Stockport, it was


RESOLVED – That the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee be requested to grant planning permission.