Issue - meetings

LGA New Model Code of Conduct

Meeting: 18/02/2021 - Standards Committee (Item 5)

5 LGA New Model Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider a report of the Strategic Head of Service and Monitoring Officer.


The report updates Members on the New Model Councillor Code of Conduct issued by the Local Government Association (LGA) on 23 December 2020, with a headline statement that ‘This code has been designed to protect our democratic role, encourage good conduct and safeguard the public’s trust in Local Government.’


The Standards Committee is requested to:-


(i)           Consider the recently issued LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct in the context of the Council’s response to the Consultation;


(ii)          Agree that the Model Code of Conduct be put to the Constitution Working Party for consideration, then through the Council’s Governance Process to consider and agree whether it ought to be adopted as the Council’s New Code of Conduct at the Annual Council Meeting on 25 May 2021;


(iii)        Recommend that the Monitoring Officer provide training to all Councillors (not just newly elected Councillors) on this New Code of Conduct, in the event it is adopted by the Council, as soon as possible after the Annual Council Meeting on 25 May 2021.


Officer Contact: Vicki Bates on 0161 474 3219 or email:




Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which updated Members on the New Model Councillor Code of Conduct issued by the Local Government Association (LGA) on 23 December 2020, with a headline statement that ‘This code has been designed to protect our democratic role, encourage good conduct and safeguard the public’s trust in Local Government.’


The Monitoring Officer outlined the main changes from the previous Code of Conduct.  The Committee discussed the changes and recommended some amendments to the appendices including some further clarity on Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.  Members considered that a table with examples and definitions relating to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests would be helpful.  Members also felt that some amendments may be necessary to the appendices which related to social media.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Monitoring Officer be requested to make the amendments to the appendices to the LGA New Model Code of Conduct which reflected this Committee’s views.


(2) That the Model Code of Conduct be submitted to the Constitution Working Party to consider whether it ought to be adopted as the Council’s New Code of Conduct by the Council Meeting.