To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides an update to all members on the campaign to date, an outline of Phase 2 and also seeks to gain support from all ward committee areas and sets out how members and their communities can get involved going forward.
The Area Committee is recommended to:-
a) Visit the campaign website ( and follow the One Stockport social media channels on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
b) Promote the campaign through local networks, encouraging others to visit the website and social media, and download the campaign toolkits.
c) Share any positive local stories via
d) Provide advice and input on the proposed activities for Phase 2 and any local outlets or mechanisms which could be used to help further promote the campaign (e.g. local community groups or organisations, local social media groups, local influencers/leaders)
Officer contact: Amy Beasley, 0161 474 4596 or
Additional documents:
A representative of the Corporate Director (Corporate and Support Services) and Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update on the campaign to date, an outline of Phase 2 and also sought to gain support from all wards and set out how Members and their communities could get involved going forward.
As part of the Council’s economic recovery work and ongoing engagement with the community and voluntary sectors, the One Stockport campaign had been launched in Spring 2020. The campaign’s overarching aims were to support local businesses, connect our communities, and promote health and wellbeing. In addition, the campaign aimed to ensure a coordinated approach to consider how Stockport could build back better.
Kirsteen Roe (Service Director – Citizen Focus, Stockport Council) and Grant Mitchell (Creative Director, Future) also attended the meeting and made a presentation on the One Stockport campaign.
The following comments were made/issues raised:-
· What behaviour change was being tried to achieve by the One Stockport campaign and how it could be measured.
· The aim was to strengthen local communities, including, for example, by encouraging people to shop local and improve access to services locally, for example NHS services. People wanted tangible differences to their experiences, not just a platform for positive news.
· The scope within One Stockport to engage with local cultural groups was raised.
· The initial erection of posters and signs advertising other areas of the borough was an error by the contractors and had been rectified.
RESOLVED – That Kirsteen Roe and Grant Mitchell be thanked for their attendance.
To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
The report provides an update to all members on the campaign to date, an outline of Phase 2 and also seeks to gain support from all ward committee areas and sets out how members and their communities can get involved going forward.
The Area Committee is recommended to:-
a) Visit the campaign website ( and follow the One Stockport social media channels on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
b) Promote the campaign through local networks, encouraging others to visit the website and social media, and download the campaign toolkits.
c) Share any positive local stories via
d) Provide advice and input on the proposed activities for Phase 2 and any local outlets or mechanisms which could be used to help further promote the campaign (e.g. local community groups or organisations, local social media groups, local influencers/leaders)
Officer contact: Amy Beasley, 0161 474 4596 or
Additional documents:
A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing an update to all members on the One Stockport campaign to date, an outline of Phase 2 and detailing how members and their communities can get involved in the future.
RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the Committee be updated again at a future meeting.