6 Stockport Children and Young People's Strategy 2020-2023 PDF 1 MB
To consider the report of the Strategy and Performance Manager.
The Strategy: -
· sets out the principles, ways of working and priorities which will enable us to achieve our vision for children, young people and families in Stockport.
· ensures that all partners and agencies who help, support and educate children and families to achieve their ambitions are clear about their contribution.
· is aligned with and supports the developing One Stockport Borough Plan which sits within our wider One Stockport movement.
Officer contact: Gaynor Ward, 0161 474 3186, gaynor.ward@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) setting out the principles, ways of working and priorities which would enable the vision to be achieved for children, young people and families in Stockport. It also ensured that all partners and agencies who help, support and educate children and families to achieve their ambitions were clear about their contributions.
Nuala O’Rourke (Head of Service, Safeguarding and Learning) highlighted the following: -
· The Stockport Picture being one of the most polarised boroughs nationally, ranging from very affluent areas to the south and east of the borough to significantly deprived areas in the north and centre.
· Impact of Covid-19 which has reinforced inequalities with many children living in some of the communities relating to access to technology, few opportunities to learn at home, lack of safe spaces to play and lack of food.
· Stockport would be committed to co-production in all of the work and has agreed a co-production charter.
· The approach would be based upon innovative practice, integrated services, inclusive services and early intervention.
· The priorities for 2020-2023 would be delivered through delivery plans which would set out the actions and timescales accordingly.
The following comments were made/issues raised: -
· It was commented that the Children’s Mental Health Transformation Plan should be included in the plan as well.
· There should be a clear focus on inclusion including a number of projects that are ongoing to enable people with disabilities.
It was noted that the presentation was welcomed including the holistic approach that captured all the key points.
RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.