Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report

Meeting: 12/10/2020 - Member Committee (Item 7)

7 Corporate Performance Report pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive, Stockport Homes


The report provides an update on performance against corporate objectives.


The Committee is invited to:-


·         Note performance and the improvement actions outlined in the report;

·         Raise any issues of concern about the explanations presented where targets or objectives have not been met.


Officer Contact: Rob Lloyd on 0161 474 3279 or email:


Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive, Stockport Homes submitted a report (copies of which had been submitted) which provided an update on performance against corporate objectives.


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         In response to a question relating to how Stockport Homes compared against similar organisations nationally in terms of the average time to re-let empty properties, Members were advised that Stockport Homes remained number 1 in terms of turnaround times.  COVID had presented some challenges, but everything remained on target.

·         Members commented that the performance of Stockport Homes in these very difficult and challenging times was excellent especially in terms of continuing to maintain excellent service levels for customers.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.