6 Covid 19 - Six Months Overview PDF 118 KB
To consider a report of the Assistant Chief Executive, Stockport Homes
The report updated the committee on the impact Covid-19 had had on Stockport Homes over the last six months, outlining challenges and opportunities for the future.
The Committee is invited to note the report and provide any further comments for consideration.
Officer Contact: Sandra Coleing on 07800 617688 or email: sandra.coleing@stockporthomes.org
Additional documents:
The Assistant Chief Executive, Stockport Homes submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which updated the committee on the impact Covid-19 had had on Stockport Homes over the last six months, outlining challenges and opportunities for the future.
The following comments were made/issues raised:
· Concern was expressed regarding the more prudent approach some lenders were taking to lending for shared ownership and consequently that they had refused to provide mortgages for customers on Stockholm Road. Members asked why this was and what alternative tenure options had been explored? In response, Members were advised that the demand for shared ownership remained high and that there was a nervousness around lending in general. In this case Japanese Knotweed on an adjacent site had also been identified as an issue.
· Members were also advised that there were fewer lenders to approach for mortgages for shared ownership but all possibilities were being explored.
· In response to Members’ questions regarding the increase in Anti-Social Behaviour, it was reported that although this remained at higher levels than this time last year, it was considered that it may be due to the further restrictions and that people’s tolerance levels were being tested. Stockport Homes were working with Stockport Council on an Anti-Social Behaviour project which would focus on education and enforcement issues.
· Members commented that they were pleased to see people back at work, where it was safe for them to do so.
RESOLVED (i) That the report be noted.
(ii) It was agreed that an update on the COVID situation would be provided at the next meeting of the Member Committee on 15 February 2021.