4 Ward Flexibility Funding - St Mary's Church PDF 399 KB
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received from the ‘St Mary’s Church’ for a grant of £1,000.00 (£500.00 from the Reddish North ward and £500.00 from the Reddish South ward allocations) towards the cost of a “Place of Welcome and Film club” to form community links between the church and the community and to reach out to lonely / vulnerable adults to tackle social isolation across all age groups.
Additional documents:
Reverend Elizabeth Rowles attended the meeting and submitted an application for Ward Flexibility funding on behalf of St Mary’s Church towards the cost of a “Place of Welcome and Film club” to form community links between the church and the community and to reach out to lonely / vulnerable adults to tackle social isolation across all age groups.
RESOLVED – That, approval be given to an application from St Mary’s Church for a grant of £820 from the Ward Flexibility Funding Budget (£500 from the Reddish South ward and £320 from the Reddish North ward allocations) towards the cost of a “Place of Welcome and Film club” to form community links between the church and the community and to reach out to lonely / vulnerable adults to tackle social isolation across all age groups.