9 Street Lighting Capital Investment Programme (TR53) PDF 103 KB
To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Transportation)
With energy prices expected to rise further and the application of the carbon tax in 13/14 a review has been undertaken to look at how we could reduce the expected pressures on the street lighting budget. It is proposed to develop a capital investment programme to replace 8% of existing streetlightswhich would reduce the budget pressure over 25 years by £0.277m.
This matter will be considered by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee on 8 March 2012 and any comments of this Committee will be circulated prior to the Executive Meeting.
The Executive is recommended to approve the street lighting capital investment programme as outlined at paragraph 4.4 of the report, given the considerations detailed in the report.
Officer contact: Megan Black, 0161 218 1410, megan.black@stockport.gov.uk
The Executive Councillor (Transportation) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Executive with details of a review which had been undertaken to look at how the expected pressures on the street lighting budget which had been undertaken in the light of the rise in energy prices and the application of the carbon tax in 2013/14.
With energy prices expected to rise further and the application of the carbon tax in 2013/14 a review has been undertaken to look at how the Council could reduce the expected pressures on the street lighting budget. It was proposed to develop a capital investment programme to replace 8% of existing street lightingwhich would reduce the budget pressure over 25 years by £0.277m.
The Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee held on 8 March 2012 had supported the recommended option of a capital investment programme to replace 8% of the existing street lighting network.
RESOLVED - That approval be given to the street lighting capital investment programme to replace 8% of the existing street lighting network as outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.