8 Statutory Registers PDF 85 KB
To consider a report of the Report of the Interim Transport Strategy Manager.
NOTE: This item has been carried forward from the cancelled meeting of 17 March 2020.
Additional documents:
A report of the Interim Transport Strategy Manager was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Council’s requirement to publish statutory registers pertaining to Public Rights of Way and the process for making that information available to the public.
The report further identified work underway to make improvements to the process by which information contained on the registers was updated to ensure that these reflected the most up-to-date information and reducing the need to make time-intensive manual updates to the information maintained online.
It was commented that the Definitive Map Modification Order (Section 53) Register lacked the necessary detail for effective assessment. It was noted that there were a number of other local authorities within the locality whose registers could be considered ‘best practice’ in this area and that Stockport should aim to replicate some of the features of these registers.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
6. Statutory Registers PDF 85 KB
To consider a report of the Report of the Interim Transport Strategy Manager.