Issue - meetings

DC074628 - 20 and 22 Broadhurst Street, Cale Green

Meeting: 05/12/2019 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 10)

10 DC074628 - 20 and 22 Broadhurst Street, Cale Green pdf icon PDF 332 KB

Change of use of 20 and 22 Broadhurst Street to create two houses in multiple occupation (Use Class C4)


The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission, subject to conditions.


Officer Contact: Nancy Thynne on 0161 474 3652 or email:


Additional documents:


In respect of the change of use of 20 and 22 Broadhurst Street, Cale Green to create two houses in multiple occupation (Use Class C4)


a member of the public spoke against the application.


It was then


RESOLVED – (Eight for, two against) That planning permission be refused on the grounds that the proposed use would lead to an over-concentration of houses in multiple occupation in the local area that would be unduly detrimental to the amenity of existing and future residents as the development fails to provide adequate off-street car parking provision to meet its needs. Unmet demand cannot be readily accommodated on-street due to limited and restricted kerbside car parking availability in the area. The development therefore conflicts with the primary strategic planning policy objectives of achieving sustainable development and creating sustainable communities.