12 DC073816 - Kingdom Hall, 67 Edwards Way, Marple PDF 321 KB
In connection with single-storey rear extension, porch canopy, covered play area, alterations to fenestration, provision of an accessible parking space and cycle/bin store to facilitate use of the extended building as a 52-child place pre-school day nursery at Kingdom Hall, 67 Edwards Way, Marple.
The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Additional documents:
In respect of plan no. DC073816 for a single-storey rear extension, porch canopy, covered play area, alterations to fenestration, provision of an accessible parking space and cycle/bin store to facilitate use of the extended building as a 52-child place pre-school day nursery at Kingdom Hall, 67 Edwards Way, Marple,
a member of the public spoke against the application.
It was then
MOVED AND SECONDED – That planning permission be refused on the grounds that the proposed development would result in an unacceptable impact on highway safety and have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of adjoining properties.
For the motion 2, against 3.
It was then
RESOLVED – (3 for, 2 against) That planning permission be granted.