8 Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2018-19 PDF 136 KB
To consider a report of the Stockport Adult Safeguarding Board.
This report sets out information about the work of Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB), how the SSAB has conducted its business during 2018-19, what has been achieved, and the SSAB’s relationship with other partnerships.
The Board is invited to comment on the report.
Officer contact: Nuala O’Rourke, 0161 474 5659, nuala.orourke@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
Nuala O’Rourke, Head of Safeguarding and Learning (Stockport Council) attended the meeting to present the Stockport Safeguarding Adults Annual Report for 2018/19, which summarised the work of the Safeguarding Board and how it had conducted its business during 2018/19, what had been achieved, and the Board’s relationship with other partnerships.
A number of key initiatives and issues were highlighted to the Board, demonstrating the breadth of activity of the Board, including initiatives around
Three safeguarding adult reviews and an increasing emphasis on identifying and addressing elder abuse
Ongoing provision of safeguarding training to partners
The linkages with the work of the Safeguarding Children Board was emphasised, particularly in taking a broader approach to identifying vulnerabilities and addressing needs within the wider family context.
Board members expressed concerns about the potential impact of the introduction of Liberty Protection Safeguards to replace Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, particularly the readiness of partners and providers for the changing demands and in the absence of clear guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care.
RESOLVED – (1) That the Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2018/19 be noted and Nuala O’Rourke be thanked for her attendance and presentation.
(2) That the Director for Adult Social Care be requested to submit a report to the next meeting on preparations for the introductions of Liberty Protection Safeguards.
4 Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2018-19 PDF 2 MB
To consider a report of the Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board.
This report sets out information about the work of Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB), how the SSAB has conducted its business during 2018-19, what has been achieved, and the SSAB’s relationship with other partnerships.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment on the report.
Officer contact: Nuala O’Rourke, 0161 474 5659, Nuala.orourke@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
Gill Frame, independence Chair of the Adult Safeguarding Board accompanied by Nuala O’Rourke, Head of Safeguarding and Learning, attended the meeting to present the Adult Safeguarding Board’s Annual Report for 2018-19 (copies of which had been circulated) setting out key achievements for the previous year and future challenges.
The following issues were raised:-
· Councillors welcomed the report and its easily read format.
· There was discussion about the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and their replacement by Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS), for which guidance was awaited. Particular reference was made to changing expectations on care providers and the need to ensure front line social workers were appropriately empowered to respond to needs. The significant financial and administrative demand the current DoLS process placed on the Council was emphasised, and the pragmatic approach taken in Stockport to triage cases on the basis of risk was described.
· Reference was made to the increase number of safeguarding alerts at Level 3 and further information was requested in what was being done to arrest this trend. In response it was stated that there had been improvements in the processes for assessing safeguarding issues raised by the car providers at levels 1 and 2 that had led to more accurate assessments of risk and harm. Significant efforts had been made through the Safeguarding Board and through the Adult Social Care Quality Team to work with care homes and other providers to better manage and address risks and prevent escalation.
· Clarification was sought on whether the daily safeguarding meetings described in the report could be expended to 7-day working. In response it was confirmed that safeguarding staff working every day who could response to an immediate safeguarding risk and that this would then be reported into the next daily meeting. Assurance was given that sufficient resources were available to make people safe.
RESOLVED – (1) That Gill Frame and Nuala O’Rourke be thanked for their attendance.
(2) That the thanks of the Scrutiny Committee be recorded to the Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board and all partners for their efforts in safeguarding vulnerable adults in the Borough.