10 Consultation of IVF Services PDF 122 KB
To consider a report of Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group
This briefing provides the proposed consultation document prepared by the CCG as part of their review of IVF provision within Stockport.
The Board is invited to comment on the report.
Officer contact: Gillian Miller, Stockport CCG, 0161 426 9900
Additional documents:
A representative of the Chief Accountable Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Board on a consultation document prepared by the CCG as part of their review of IVF provision within Stockport.
Members of the Board acknowledged the emotive nature of the consultation.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
5 Consultation of IVF Services PDF 123 KB
To consider a report of Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group
This paper provides the proposed consultation document prepared by the CCG as part of their review of IVF provision within Stockport.
The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment as part of the consultation.
Officer contact: Gillian Miller, Stockport CCG, 0161 426 9900
Additional documents:
Gillian Miller Gillian Miller (Associate Director of Commissioning) and Dr Karen McEwan (GP lead) from Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group attended the meeting to present a consultation document (copies of which had been circulated) seeking the views of the Scrutiny Committee in relation to the provision of IVF Services by the CCG. The document provided the financial and clinical context for the consultation, including NICE guidance in respect of provision, as well as comparisons with other clinical commissioning group provision. Consultees were being asked to give their views on the option of maintaining current levels of provision of two funded IVF cycles; reduction to one funded cycle, or no funded cycles.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· Given the relatively low chances of success of IVF, and the emotional impact of non-successful rounds, clarification was sought on the provision of counselling. In response it was confirmed that counselling was offered both before and after IVF treatment.
· Clarification was sought on the trend in demand and provision. In response it was stated that overall numbers were relatively small, although the national trend was upward.
· The emotional impact of infertility or fertility difficulties, and the difficult decisions involved by patients and clinicians were emphasised. It was commented that not providing any funded rounds of treatments was untenable.
· It was stressed that the wider implications of fertility on a woman’s life choices needed to be considered.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.