13 Adult Social Care Local Account 2018/19 PDF 120 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Adult Social Care.
This item comprises two draft documents; the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24
(i) The Local Account forms a key part of the approach to sector led improvement in adult social care. It is designed to tell citizens how the Council has performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities over, and the relative areas of spend on services within ASC. It also informs citizens of the challenges and the work planned over the coming year, and this year highlights some of the key elements of the new ASC operating model with a focus on early intervention, prevention and community support.
(ii) The Market Position Statement summarises supply and demand in Stockport and highlights business opportunities within the care market allowing commissioners and providers to work together to explain and explore the current and future care and support needs of the borough. The Council’s existing Market Position Statement was written in 2015 and as part of actively managing the market for adult social care in Stockport, the MPS is being refreshed.
The Board is invited to comment on the draft Local Account and Market Position Statement.
Officer contact: Peter Owston, Strategy and Performance Manager, 0161 474 3274, peter.owston@stockport.gov.uk or Jon Wilkie, Contracts and Commissioning Manager (Adult Social Care), 0161 474 4357, jon.wilkie@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Director of Adult Social Care submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) comprising the draft Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24. The Local Account set out how the Council had performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities, and identified the challenges and work planned over the coming year. The Market Position Statement summarised supply and demand in Stockport and highlights business opportunities within the care market.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The reports were a welcomed celebration of success in improving standards and quality and demonstrated the what could achieved when working together.
· The report highlighted the significant improvements in CQC ratings for care providers in Stockport. The Star Awards for care providers demonstrated how the market was changing for the better.
· Improvement in provider quality had been achieved through a genuine partnership approach.
· Anecdotal evidence was that improvement had been noticeable and was now leading to a shortage of places.
· The work of the Equip Team was commended.
· Learning Disability placements had received a Good overall rating but the ambition was to move toward an Outstanding rating.
RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24 be endorsed.
6 Adult Social Care Local Account 2018/19 PDF 120 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Adult Social Care.
This item comprises two draft documents; the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24
(i) The Local Account forms a key part of the approach to sector led improvement in adult social care. It is designed to tell citizens how the Council has performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities over, and the relative areas of spend on services within ASC. It also informs citizens of the challenges and the work planned over the coming year, and this year highlights some of the key elements of the new ASC operating model with a focus on early intervention, prevention and community support.
(ii) The Market Position Statement summarises supply and demand in Stockport and highlights business opportunities within the care market allowing commissioners and providers to work together to explain and explore the current and future care and support needs of the borough. The Council’s existing Market Position Statement was written in 2015 and as part of actively managing the market for adult social care in Stockport, the MPS is being refreshed.
Scrutiny Committee is asked to consider and comment on the draft Local Account and Market Position Statement.
Officer contact: Peter Owston, Strategy and Performance Manager, 0161 474 3274, peter.owston@stockport.gov.uk or Jon Wilkie, Contracts and Commissioning Manager (Adult Social Care), 0161 474 4357, jon.wilkie@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Director of Adult Social Care submitted the draft Adult Social Care Local Account for 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24 (copies of which had been circulated). The Local Account was designed to provide residents with information about how the Council performed in delivering adult social care against its local priorities, and set out the challenges and the work planned over the coming year. The Market Position Statement summarised supply and demand for social care in Stockport and highlighted opportunities within the care market to allow commissioners and providers to work together to explain and explore the current and future care and support needs of the borough.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Care Services & Health (Councillor Jude Wells) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· The format and presentation of the information in the Local Account and the Market Position Statement was welcomed, and echoed the information the Scrutiny Committee had been provided with in previous performance reports.
· Comment was made about the 57% of service users who felt they was not enough contact with social care. In response the Cabinet Member acknowledged this and emphasised that the aspiration of the new operating model was to allow people to live fulfilling lives and to provide greater focus on an individual’s connectedness to their community.
· Further information was sought in relation to engagement with providers. In response it was stated that the aim was to work in partnership, rather than simply on a formal contractual basis, to better manage supply and demand. The example of the Pure Innovations’ The Kitchen was cited as example of the innovative activity to have developed from this approach.
· Healthwatch had also welcomed the report and the opportunities affordable by the new operating model in adult social care. It was also commented that there were many groups and much activity taking place in the community, but there were challenges in capturing and sharing this information.
· In relation to the Position Statement, concern was expressed about the predicted number of falls in care homes. It was commented that the Steady in Stockport Service should be well placed to assist in arresting this trend and that there were other simple interventions that could be implemented.
· The significant improvement in CQC ratings of care providers was also highlighted, assisted by the strong partnership working with providers.
RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care Local Account 2018/19 and the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement for 2019-24 be noted and welcomed.