Issue - meetings

Ludworth School Expansion

Meeting: 20/08/2019 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Call-in of Executive Decision CAB179 'Ludworth School Expansion' pdf icon PDF 80 KB

(Executive Decision Record and report enclosed)


The Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 6 August 2019 considered the call-in of decision CAB179 “Ludworth School Expansion” and referred the decision back to the Cabinet to reconsider its final recommendation.


The Executive is asked to reconsider its previous decision in relation to Ludworth School Expansion and resolution of the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee as follows:-


“That Executive Decision CAB179 be referred back to the Cabinet for its reconsideration at the first available opportunity with a request that Sections 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 within the accompanying report be amended to incorporate the full schedule of proposed mitigation measures circulated in advance of the meeting, and with a further recommendation that the Cabinet amend its decision to include a third resolution stating:-


‘(3) That the relevant Cabinet Members and officers be recommended to investigate and where practicable and appropriate implement the schedule of mitigation measures included within Section 9.6 of the report, subject to any necessary consultations, firstly as part of any planning application submitted by the Council to the Planning Authority and secondly in the formulation and determination of any package of traffic regulation orders subsequently drawn up to mitigate against its impact.’”


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,

Additional documents:


A report of the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to reconsider its previous decision (CAB179) in relation to the expansion of Ludworth School. The Scrutiny Committee considered the call-in of this decision at its meeting on 6 August 2019, the summary of which was included in the report.


The Cabinet Member for Resource, Commissioning & Governance reported that the Scrutiny Committee had not contested the principal of the expansion of Ludworth Primary School but had raised concerns in relation to the traffic and parking problems that may be exacerbated by the expansion, and had requested additional possible measures be included in the report. He invited the Cabinet to agree to these proposed additions and suggested that they be referred to appropriate cabinet members, area committees, officers and partner agencies for their consideration. He also stressed that wherever feasible, and provided appropriate resources could be identified, the process for implementing any further measures be undertaken in parallel with the planning process for the school expansion.


The Cabinet Member also reported that he was planning to have further discussions with local residents and local schools in relation to their concerns.


RESOLVED – That the referral by the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee of the call-in of executive decision CAB179 be noted and that the Cabinet reaffirms the following:-


·           the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken in relation to the expansion of Ludworth Primary School be noted, and the approval given to its expansion from a 1.5 form entry to a 2 form entry (subject to planning permission)

·           the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to ensure appropriate agencies undertake enforcement of existing traffic regulation orders in the vicinity of the school


and that in addition the following be agreed:


·           the relevant Cabinet Members and officers be recommended to investigate and where practicable and appropriate, and where resources were available, to implement the schedule of mitigation measures included within Section 9.6 of the report, subject to any necessary consultations, firstly as part of any planning application submitted by the Council to the Planning Authority and secondly in the formulation and determination of any package of traffic regulation orders subsequently drawn up to mitigate against its impact.

Meeting: 06/08/2019 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Call-in of Executive Decision CAB179 'Ludworth School Expansion' pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider the call-in of executive decision CAB179


This decision has been called in by Councillors Malcolm Allan, Tom Morrison, Becky Senior. The call in deadline is 4pm on 30 July 2019.


Report and decision record are enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Committee was informed that Executive Decision CAB179 had been ‘called in’ by Councillors Malcolm Allan, Tom Morrison and Becky Senior.  It was reported that the matter related to a decision taken at the Cabinet on 23 July 2019 with regard to a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 form entry (FE) to a 2FE Primary School which would also serve to improve access, building condition and address safeguarding issues.


Councillors Allan and Morrison attended the meeting and outlined the reason for calling-in the decision.  Specifically, it was stated that the principle of expanding Ludworth Primary School was not contended, rather, members’ concerns were limited solely to the traffic and parking mitigation measures proposed within the accompanying report. Councillor Allan advised the meeting that it was considered that the proposed measures were so insufficient and vague as to provide local residents with little assurance that the concerns expressed during the consultation in relation to traffic and parking would be appropriately addressed.


In advance of the meeting, a series of proposed additional mitigation measures was circulated to members of the Scrutiny Committee by Councillor Allan.  Those members calling-in the decision stated that the aim of the call-in was to ensure that Sections 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 of the accompanying report was amended to incorporate the schedule of proposed mitigation measures, and that the decision be referred back to the Cabinet for its reconsideration to allow for the decision to be amended to give an assurance that the implementation of those measures would be given due consideration.


Councillors Allan and Morrison then answered Councillors’ questions in relation to their reasons for ‘calling-in’ the decision.


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) advised the Scrutiny Committee that the issues of traffic and parking at Ludworth Primary School had been discussed at length by the Cabinet and that he had provided assurances at the meeting on 23 July 2019 of the need to ensure that while there was a need to expand the school, this should not result in additional issues for residents, and nor should the problems be displaced elsewhere.


Councillor McGee stated that he would be willing to put this commitment in writing as an alternative to remitting the matter back to the decision-maker.


It was further explained that a remittance of the matter back to the Cabinet may be problematic as it was not possible for the Council to take decisions relating to schools outside of term-time. Accordingly, such a course of action may introduce significant delay to the implementation of the decision to expand the school.

It was then


RESOLVED - (6 for) That Executive Decision CAB179 be referred back to the Cabinet for its reconsideration at the first available opportunity with a request that Sections 9.6.2 and 9.6.3 within the accompanying report be amended to incorporate the full schedule of proposed mitigation measures circulated in advance of the meeting, and with a further recommendation that the Cabinet amend its decision to include a third resolution stating:-


“(3) That the relevant Cabinet Members and officers be recommended to investigate and where practicable and appropriate implement the schedule of mitigation measures included within Section 9.6 of the report, subject to any necessary consultations, firstly as part of any planning application submitted by the Council to the Planning Authority and secondly in the formulation and determination of any package of traffic regulation orders subsequently drawn up to mitigate against its impact.”

Meeting: 23/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Ludworth School Expansion pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance.


Consultation has been undertaken on a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 form entry (FE) to a 2FE Primary School which will also improve access, building condition and safeguarding issues. The consultation was undertaken from 11th June 2018 and Friday 6th July 2018 and approval is now sought to implement the proposal.


The Cabinet is requested to:


·         Consider the outcomes of the consultation exercise.

·         Approve the proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5FE to 2FE (subject to planning permission).


Officer contact: Charlotte Cordingley, 0161 474 4240,

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to consider a proposal for the expansion of Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 form entry to a 2 form entry from September 2020. The report summarised the outcome of public consultation on the proposals.


The Cabinet Member stated that this was the first decision needed in a series of steps to progress the expansion, that would include the submission of a planning application for physical expansion at the site that would likely be submitted in the Autumn of 2019. These processes would have further stages of consultation with stakeholders and the public, and would include consultation with the area committee.


The Cabinet Member echoed comments made earlier in the meeting during Public Question Time that it was hoped that as part of the development of these proposals that difficulties currently experienced by residents would not be made worse by these proposals, and restated his previous offer of meeting with residents and local councillors to discuss further their concerns. He reiterated that the Council had a duty to ensure sufficient school places for children in the borough.


RESOLVED – (1) That the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken in relation to the expansion of Ludworth Primary School be noted, and the approval given to its expansion from a 1.5 form entry to a 2 form entry (subject to planning permission).


(2) That the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to ensure appropriate agencies undertake enforcement of existing traffic regulation orders in the vicinity of the school.


Meeting: 10/07/2019 - Children & Families Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Ludworth School Expansion

(Note: the Chair has agreed for this item to be included on the agenda as a matter of urgency)


To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The report sets out the result of consultation undertaken on a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 form entry (FE) to a 2FE Primary School. The consultation was undertaken from 11 June 2018 and Friday 6 July 2018 and it is proposed to implement the expansion.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the report and recommend that the Cabinet Meeting approve the proposals.


Officer contact: Charlotte Cordingley, 0161 474 4240,

Additional documents:


(Note: the Chair was of the opinion that this item, although not included on the agenda, should be considered as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 in order that the matter could be considered prior to a decision being taken by the Cabinet)


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Scrutiny Committee to consider a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 to a 2 form entry school. The report summarised the outcomes of a consultation exercised carried out in relation to the proposal.


The following comments were made / issues raised:


·           Disappointment was expressed that there was little reference to the public meeting held with residents at which a number of issues were highlighted that were not included in the report.

·           It was commented that many of the traffic issues in the immediate vicinity needed to be addressed jointly with those experienced at St Mary’s Primary School given its proximity. There had been options discussed with residents and this should be considered as part of the development of these proposals.

·           Further information was requested in relation to staggered starting and finishing times, walking buses and the use of nearby car parks at a nearby Church and Brabyns Park. In response it was stated that many of these issues had been considered in the detailed traffic impact assessment that could be provided to councillors. It was further suggested that this information should be made available to the Cabinet.

·           A suggestion was made that further consideration was needed of the school catchment area to mitigate against children travelling significant distances. The challenges of catchment review were highlighted.

·           A number of options to address or mitigation traffic and parking were suggested, including a school bus, proving time limited no-entry to Pear Tree Close and banning idling engines. An undertaking was given to provide a response to these issues, and it was suggested that there may be legislation coming forward in relation to idling.

·           It was commented that traffic problems existed at many schools across Stockport, but problems had been experienced at this location for 30 years. It was a challenge to balance the need for extra school places and the impact on neighbours, and it may not be possible to mitigate traffic and parking entirely. It was also suggested that this proposal would not resolve the difficulties at this location.

·           Clarification was sought on the likely demand for reception places given falling roles. In response it was stated that in the Marple and Heatons areas there was anticipated to be an increase in demand in 2020, although demand was stabling elsewhere. It was also commented that this proposal was the latest iteration of a long-term programme in Marple and elsewhere to address school capacity.

·           The need for school places in Marple was acknowledged, but the importance of involving residents in a meaningful way was stressed given the understandable concerns about parking and traffic.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)

6 Ludworth School Expansion pdf icon PDF 89 KB

(Note: the Chair has agreed for this item to be included on the agenda as a matter of urgency)


To consider a report of the Deputy Chief Executive.


The report sets out the result of consultation undertaken on a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 form entry (FE) to a 2FE Primary School. The consultation was undertaken from 11 June 2018 and Friday 6 July 2018 and it is proposed to implement the expansion.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to consider the report and recommend that the Cabinet Meeting approve the proposals.


Officer contact: Charlotte Cordingley, 0161 474 4240,

Additional documents:


(Note: the Chair was of the opinion that this item, although not included on the agenda, should be considered as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 in order that the matter could be considered prior to a decision being taken by the Cabinet)


A representative of the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Scrutiny Committee to consider a proposal to expand Ludworth Primary School from a 1.5 to a 2 form entry school. The report summarised the outcomes of a consultation exercised carried out in relation to the proposal.


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Commissioning & Governance (Councillor Tom McGee) attended the meeting to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made / issues raised:


·         Clarification was sought on whether places had been allocated in September 2019. In response it was confirmed that the school would accept additional pupils to being the numbers on roll into line with the physical capacity of the school.

·         Concerns were expressed about the adequacy of the proposals to address traffic and parking issues raised by the consultation and clarification sought on how these would be addressed further during the process of implementing the proposals. In response it was clarified that the consultation summarised in the report was an informal process and not part of statutory consultation, but would inform the development of the planning application. The measures that had been developed in response to the concerns raised were deemed adequate to address traffic issues.

·         It was commented that one of the challenges for the Council ensuring adequate school places was the legal restrictions prevent local authorities from opening their own schools.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.