9 DC071860 - 123 Moss Lane, Bramhall PDF 133 KB
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two pairs of semi-detached houses (Resubmission and revision of DC070508 to include garden rooms and a garage to plot 1).
The Area Committee is recommended to grant planning permission.
Officer contact: Nancy Thynne on 0161 474 3652 or email: nancy.thynne@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
In respect of plan no. DC071860 for the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two pairs of semi-detached houses (resubmission and revision of DC070508 to include garden rooms and a garage to plot 1) at 123 Moss Lane, Bramhall,
a member of the public spoke against the application.
It was then
RESOLVED – (1) That planning permission be granted subject to the removal of permitted development rights and the submission of a satisfactory landscaping scheme.
(2) That the Local Development Framework Working Party be recommended to give consideration to making the provision of an adequate amount of amenity space a policy requirement.