6 Empty Property Strategy (C37) PDF 30 KB
To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Communities)
The Empty Property Strategy provides strategic guidance on the Council’s approach to empty, private housing within the Borough. The Strategy provides an overview of the current situation regarding empty property, the previous action which has been taken and a detailed action plan summarising the actions which the Council will take now and in the future in order to minimise the number of empty properties within the Borough. The Strategy distinguishes between short term empty properties associated with the normal functioning of the housing market and more problematic, long term, empty properties which are the main focus of the Strategy.
The Empty Property Strategy 2011-14 replaces the previous Strategy produced in 2003 and compliments the over-arching Housing Strategy, A Good Place To Live, 2010-15.
That the Executive approve the Empty Property Strategy 2011-14
Officer contact: Andy Kippax, 0161 474 4319, andy.kippax@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Executive Councillor (Communities) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider the Empty Property Strategy for 2011-14, that would sit within the over-arching Housing Strategy, and detailing what action would be taken to minimise the number of empty properties in the borough.
RESOLVED – That the Empty Property Strategy 2011-14 be approved.