The Deputy Mayoress to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Mrs Wendy Nadin had agreed to act as her Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Past Deputy Mayoress (Mrs Diane Nottingham).
The Mayor's Consort to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Mayor's Consort to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Mrs Diane Nottingham had agreed to act as her Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Past Deputy Mayoress (Ms Jeanette Slavinski).
The Deputy Mayoress to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Ms Jeannette Slavinsky had agreed to act as his Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Past Deputy Mayoress (Dr Margaret Gordon).
The Deputy Mayoress to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Mrs Christine Wright had agreed to act as his Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Past Deputy Mayoress (Miss Claire Meikle).
The Deputy Mayoress to be invested with her Badge of Office
Additional documents:
The Deputy Mayor informed the Council that Miss Claire Meikle had agreed to act as her Deputy Mayoress. The Deputy Mayoress was then invested with her chain of office by the Past Deputy Mayoress (Mrs Maureen Brett).