Issue - meetings

Stockport Interchange

Meeting: 12/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Stockport Interchange (E&R26) pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration.


This report seeks Cabinet approval to progress the proposed mixed-use Interchange scheme which will deliver a new state-of-the-art transport Interchange, a new green park, and high quality residential development with at-grade access from Wellington Road South. The development will also provide a link to the railway station and a new bridge over the Mersey which will take advantage of the opening up of the river planned as part of the scheme. 


The report also seeks Cabinet approval to invest ‘patient equity’ funding of up to £5.0m in the residential element of the scheme and asks for delegated authority to progress the scheme (including through the establishment of any necessary delivery models) subject to further approvals being sought for any expenditure not authorised in this report


Cabinet is recommended to:


·              Grant approval to proceed with the Stockport Interchange mixed-use development scheme outlined above to the point of submission of a planning application

·              Grant in-principle approval to the ‘patient equity’ investment of up to £5.0m in the residential element of the overall mixed-use Interchange scheme (to be matched by an equal contribution from the GMCA) subject to further work on the detail of the structure of proposed funding and delivery model

·              Note that a contribution to the transport Interchange element of the scheme will be made from contingencies in the Local Growth Deal programme

·              Grant delegated authority to the Corporate Director for Place and the Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Members for Economy & Regeneration and Communities & Housing, to progress the development of the scheme, and any delivery model, subject to further approvals being sought for any expenditure not authorised in this report.


Officer contact: Paul Richards, 0161-474-2940,

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Economy & Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to consider revised proposals for a mixed-use Transport Interchange scheme in Stockport Town Centre that would also aim to deliver a new green park and high quality residential development, and reopen part of the River Mersey. It was also proposed for the Council to provide ‘patient equity’ funding of up to £5.0m for the residential element of the scheme.


The Leader of the Council emphasised that although funding had been available for the Interchange for some time, proposals had been delayed to bring forward a more comprehensive scheme that would take advantage of the opportunity to realise the full potential of this site, including a residential element.


Cabinet members welcomed the proposals, in particular the provision of new open space in the Town Centre and the introduction of a range of green, blue and sustainable design elements. Members also emphasised the importance of ensuring that the new Interchange was Metrolink ‘ready’.


Cabinet Members also paid tribute to the hard work of officers from the Council and from Transport for Greater Manchester in developing this scheme.


RESOLVED – That in relation to the Stockport Interchange:-


·         approval be given to proceed with the mixed-use development scheme outlined above to the point of submission of a planning application;

·         in-principle approval be given to the ‘patient equity’ investment of up to £5.0m in the residential element of the overall mixed-use Interchange scheme (to be matched by an equal contribution from the GMCA) subject to further work on the detail of the structure of proposed funding and delivery model;

·         a contribution to the transport Interchange element of the scheme being made from contingencies in the Local Growth Deal programme be noted; and

·         the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration and the Borough Treasurer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Members for Economy & Regeneration and Communities & Housing, be authorised to progress the development of the scheme, and any delivery model, subject to further approvals being sought for any expenditure not authorised in this report.

Meeting: 31/05/2018 - Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Stockport Interchange pdf icon PDF 8 MB

To consider a joint report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director Place Management and Regeneration.


This report seeks Member approval to progress with the development of an iconic regeneration scheme in Stockport town centre that will deliver a new state-of-the-art transport Interchange on the site of the existing bus station, combining a new green park, and high quality residential development with at-grade access from Wellington Road South.  The development will provide a link to the railway station and a new bridge over the Mersey which will take advantage of the opening up of the river planned as part of the scheme. 


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on the report and recommendations.


Officer contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email:

Additional documents:


A report of the Deputy Chief Executive and the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) setting out progress with the development of an iconic regeneration scheme in Stockport town centre that would deliver a new state-of-the-art transport interchange on the existing bus station, combining a new green park, and high quality residential development with at-grade access from Wellington Road South. The development would provide a link to the railway station and a new bridge over the River Mersey which would take advantage of the opening up of the river planned as part of the scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration (Councillor Kate Butler) attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


  • Clarification was sought on the financing of the scheme. The cost of the scheme was based on experience of funding developments within Manchester City Centre, although it was pointed out that there wasn’t a residential development in the City Centre that was comparable to this one. The Corporate Director agreed to provide Members with a full breakdown of the funding model.


RESOLVED – (1) That Cabinet be advised that the Scrutiny Committee supports the scheme.


(2) That Members of the Scrutiny Committee be provided with more details on the funding of the scheme.


Meeting: 30/05/2018 - Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Stockport Interchange pdf icon PDF 8 MB

To consider a joint report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director Place Management and Regeneration.


This report seeks Member approval to progress with the development of an iconic regeneration scheme in Stockport town centre that will deliver a new state-of-the-art transport Interchange on the site of the existing bus station, combining a new green park, and high quality residential development with at-grade access from Wellington Road South.  The development will provide a link to the railway station and a new bridge over the Mersey which will take advantage of the opening up of the river planned as part of the scheme. 


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on the report and recommendations.


Officer contact: Paul Richards on 0161 474 2940 or email:

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal to progress with the development of an iconic regeneration scheme in Stockport town centre that would deliver a new state-of-the-art transport interchange on the site of the existing bus station, combining a new green park, and high quality residential development with at-grade access from Wellington Road South. 


The development would provide a link to the railway station and a new bridge over the Mersey which would take advantage of the opening up of the river planned as part of the scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing (Councillor Sheila Bailey) attended the meeting to present the report and respond to councillors’ questions.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The proposed interchange would be fully accessible.

·         Passive provision would be made for a future Metrolink service in the design of the interchange.

·         The latest artists’ impressions appeared to show a reduction in the level of greenspace provided through the development.  In response, it was stated that the images in the report were early conceptual drawings, whereas the latest images had been drawn up as part of the Stage 2 design work and more closely indicated what could be achieved.

·         The new green park on the roof of the interchange would represent a significant boost in the level of high quality open amenity space in the town centre.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.