Issue - meetings

Stockport Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018

Meeting: 31/01/2018 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 9)

9 Stockport Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider a report of the Deputy Director of Public Health.


The Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board has a duty to prepare and publish a regular Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).


We are undertaking a full review of the Stockport PNA in 2017-18, so that we can update our understanding of the priority needs of our population and meet our statutory duty to publish an update in April 2018.


The Stockport PNA 2018 required by law to undergo a 60 day consultation period.


This report presents the draft Stockport PNA 2018 for consideration and comment by the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Board is asked to give comments for each of the consultation questions as follows:


·         The document sets out the draft results of the pharmaceutical needs assessment for Stockport. Does it achieve this?


·         Do you know of any relevant information that has not been included which could affect the statements or conclusions in this document? If yes, then please provide the additional information.


·         This document shows that pharmaceutical provision within Stockport is satisfactory with limited identified gaps. Do you agree with this statement? If you do not agree, what else should be considered?


·         Following the conclusion of the consultation period an updated Stockport PNA 2018 will be published in April 2018, a copy of the final report will be shared with the board.


Officer contact: Eleanor Banister, 0161 474 2447,

Additional documents:


The Deputy Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) for 2018 that was current subject to consultation with stakeholders and the public. The Board had a duty to prepare and publish a regular PNA that provided a comprehensive assessment of the current and anticipated pharmaceutical needs of the community to assist local commissioners and service providers by giving an evidence base for how best to plan and commission pharmacy services to meet the needs of the population.


The Board was invited to comment on the document and respond to a series of consultation questions set out in the report.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment be noted.


(2) That in response to the consultation questions:-


·         the Board agrees that the document achieves the aim of setting out the draft results of the pharmaceutical needs assessment for Stockport;

·         further consideration is needed in respect of pharmacy provision for the expanding community in Woodford.