6 Working Well Early Help Programme PDF 91 KB
To consider a joint report of the Deputy Director of Public Health and the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.
To provide a report to the Health and Well Being Board on the GM Working Well Early Help Service that is currently being developed. To secure the support of the Health and Well Being Board in taking forward this initiative with Stockport GPs and the Local Authority.
The Health and Well Being Board is invited to:
• Note the strategic importance of work for health and the contribution this cross-cutting programme will make for the delivery of the Greater Manchester Strategy and Population Health Plan within Stockport;
• Approve Stockport’s participation in the programme;
• Support the Health & Work Task & Finish Group set up in Stockport to drive forward this work locally.
Officer contact: Dr Donna Sager/ Nick Hill, 0161-474-3928 / 07800 618203, donna.sager@stockport.gov.uk / nick.hill@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
A joint report of the Deputy Director of Public Health and Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an update on the Greater Manchester Working Well Early Help Service that was currently being developed. The Service being piloted would be available to all residents in work in Stockport who became ill and were at risk of falling out of the labour market, or who are newly unemployed due to health issues. The aim was to support people to remain or transition back into work; improve their overall wellbeing and reduce demand on primary care and other services.
Nick Hill (Work & Skills Lead, Stockport Council) attended the meeting to respond to questions.
Clarification was sought on how GPs would be engaged with this process as concern was expressed that the success of the project was contingent on support from already overstretched practices. In response it was stated that the programme would targeted to the Brinnington and Victoria locality in the first instance.
RESOLVED – That in relation to the Working Well Early Help Programme:-
• the strategic importance of work for health and the contribution this cross-cutting programme will make for the delivery of the Greater Manchester Strategy and Population Health Plan within Stockport be noted;
• Stockport’s participation in the programme be approved;
• the Health & Work Task & Finish Group set up in Stockport to drive forward this work locally be supported.