Issue - meetings

Parking Strategy

Meeting: 27/02/2012 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Parking Strategy update report (TR51) pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Transportation)


The report summarises the responses to the draft parking strategy consultation process and the proposed amendments to the final parking strategy in light of the comments. The Strategy itself sets out the requirements and aspirations of the Council for the borough’s car parking.


The Executive is recommended to:


·         note the consultation responses and the Council’s response as shown in appendix I

·         approve the revised parking strategy as shown in appendix II as Council Policy.


Officer contact: Sue Stevenson, 0161 474 3451,

Additional documents:


The Executive Councillor (Transportation) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider the responses to the consultation on the Council’s Parking Strategy and suggesting amendments in light of the comments received.


The Executive Councillor (Transportation) reported that a number of the responses received to the consultation were specific suggestions on improvements to parking facilities and that while these were not appropriately captured with the strategic document, where practical and appropriate these would be pursued in conjunction with the relevant area committee.


RESOLVED – That the consultation responses to the Parking Strategy, as detailed at Appendix I of the report be noted and the revised Parking Strategy as detailed at Appendix II be approved.

Meeting: 22/11/2011 - Cheadle Area Committee (Item 8)

8 Parking Policy Consultation pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report details the review currently being undertaken on the way the Council runs its car parks and as part of this has developed a draft strategy for parking. This draft Strategy is in the process of being consulted on and as part of this it is being brought to the Area Committee for comment as requested by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee.


The Area Committee is recommended to comment on the draft strategy.


Officer Contact: Sue Stevenson on 0161 474 4351 or e mail: sue.stevenson


Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) in connection with a draft strategy which had been developed as part of a review which had been undertaken into the way the Council ran its car parks.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


           The origin of the restriction of lorry parking in the area north of the M60.

           The soft market testing which would take place, discussing with market providers how the Council’s car parks could be run in the future.

           Issues that arose around the area because residents felt that they had a right to park outside their own home.

           The difficulties faced by people when they wished to park to use the shops in the district and local centres in the area. The knock on effect was that shoppers parked in neighbouring streets which had, on occasions, led to residents living in those streets requesting permit parking.

           A Member requested that the residential parking scheme policy should refer to the amount of parking available on a street. Residents with a substantial amount of parking available within their property had on, occasions, acquired permits as a means of preventing people from parking outside their homes.

           Providing a vehicle was taxed and insured it could be left outside a person’s property indefinitely.

           The reduction in car parking income in the borough in the last three years.

           The Council should consider introducing pay on exit at all its car parks.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 21/11/2011 - Werneth Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Parking Policy Consultation pdf icon PDF 30 KB

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management).


The report details the review currently being undertaken on the way the Council runs its car parks and as a part of this has developed a draft strategy for parking.  This draft strategy is in the process of being consulted on and as part of this it is being brought to the Area Committee for comment as requested by the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee. 


The Area Committee is recommended to comment on the draft strategy.


Officer Contact: Sue Stevenson on Tel: 474 4351 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the review currently being undertaken on the way the Council ran its car parks and as a part of this had developed a draft strategy for parking.  The draft strategy was in the process of being consulted on and as part of this it was being brought to the Area Committee for comment as had been requested by the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Members expressed concern in relation to the perception of a lack of parking enforcement in residential areas away from the district and local centres.

·         There was a need for commuter parking in order to encourage the use of public transport, and in particular the railways.

·         It was noted that dedicated disabled parking provision was not always provided for in car parks.  In response, it was stated that the Council worked with local interest groups to identify those areas where dedicated disabled parking needed to be provided.


RESOLVED – That the comments of the Area Committee be taken into consideration during the development of the Parking Strategy.

Meeting: 21/11/2011 - Heatons & Reddish Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Parking Policy Consultation

To consider a report of the Service Director (Place Management)


The report provides an opportunity for the Area Committee to comment on the draft strategy for parking.


The Area is recommended to comment on the draft strategy.


Officer Contact: Sue Stevenson on Tel: 474 4351 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Service Director (Place Management) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) requesting the Area Committee to comment on the draft strategy for parking which was currently being consulted on.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The consultation period had been extended to 25 November 2011 and Councillors and members of the public could complete an online questionnaire on the Council’s website.

·         Reddish had lower levels of available parking than other district centres but this was mitigated somewhat by the parking available at Morrisons.

·         It was suggested that the Residents Permit Parking Scheme at Houldsworth Square should be relaxed during the day to allow shoppers to park in the area.

·         Concern was raised in respect to the maintenance of bushes in the vicinity of car parks and the potential threat this caused to people using the cars parks.

·         It was suggested that Stockport should follow the lead of other Local Authorities and allow parking for free in the Town Centre.

·         The on-going initiatives between Traffic Services and Greater Manchester Police to address problems of illegal parking at schools during school pick up and drop off was welcomed and Councillors suggested that this should continue to be considered as a top priority. Councillors welcomed further feedback to a future meeting on this initiative.

·         Councillors requested further clarification in respect to enforcement against HGV’s parking on the road for long periods of time.

·         Clarification was provided in respect to which body was responsible for enforcing against cars parking illegally on pavements or obstructing the highway.

·         There was unanimous agreement that enforcement should be considered a top priority.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and the comments above be considered as part of the review.