Issue - meetings

MOU between SSP, SSCB, SSAB, H&WBB, Stockport Children's Trust

Meeting: 31/01/2018 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 MOU between Safer Stockport Partnership, Stockport Safeguarding Children Board, Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board, Health & Wellbeing Board, Stockport Children's Trust pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Public Health.


This document sets out the expectations of the relationship and collaborative working arrangements between Safer Stockport Partnership (SSP), Stockport Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB), Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB), Health and Wellbeing Board and the Children’s Trust.


It covers their respective roles and functions, accountability and governance arrangements, lead board responsibilities, membership of the boards, arrangements for challenge, oversight and scrutiny, performance management and reporting.


The chairs of the Safer Stockport Partnership and the independent chair of the SSCB and the SSAB, the chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the chair of the Children’s Trust have formally agreed to the arrangements set out in this document, which will be subject to bi- annual review (from the date of initial agreement) or immediately following legislative change.


The Board is asked to note the content of the MOU and endorse the document.


Officer contact: Dr Donna Sager 0161-474-3928,

Additional documents:


A report of Director of Public Health was submitted (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider a Memorandum of Understanding setting out the expectations of the relationship and collaborative working arrangements between this Board and the Safer Stockport Partnership, Stockport Safeguarding Children Board, Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board and the Children’s Trust.


The Memorandum covered each body’s respective roles and functions, accountability and governance arrangements, lead board responsibilities, membership of the boards, arrangements for challenge, oversight and scrutiny, performance management and reporting. The Chairs of the bodies had given their endorsement to the document which would be subject to bi- annual review or immediately following legislative change.


Clarity was sought on who had responsibility for monitoring and coordinating activity. In response it was stated that the Council’s Head of Service Safeguarding & Learning would fulfil this role, although it was stressed that all partners had responsibility for safeguarding.


RESOLVED – That the content of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Safer Stockport Partnership, Stockport Safeguarding Children Board, Stockport Safeguarding Adults Board and the Children’s Trust be noted and the document endorsed.