Issue - meetings

Schools Capital Programme

Meeting: 03/10/2017 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Schools Capital Programme (General Exception) pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Education.


The report sets out a proposal to establish a £25m capital programme to start to address the condition and capacity issues that are facing schools within Stockport.  The report also details that work has commenced on developing an investable proposition for increasing capacity within the Special Education Needs and Disability provision within Stockport.


The Cabinet is recommended to:


·         Note the work to date in addressing the school estate capacity and fabric issues;

·         Note the work on an investable proposition for SEND capacity will be brought back to the Cabinet by the year end;

·         Agree the creation of a £25m capital programme for mainstream schools as detailed in the report.


Contact officer: Phil Beswick, Michael Cullen, 0161 474 3832 / 4631, /

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Education submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Cabinet to consider a proposal to establish a £25m capital programme to begin to address the condition and capacity issues facing schools in Stockport. The report also detailed work that had begun on developing an investable proposition for increasing capacity within Special Education Needs and Disability provision within Stockport.


The Cabinet Member emphasised that this investment would be the largest by the Council in its schools, at no additional cost to the tax payer, but would help address the needs of local maintained schools for additional capacity and for building improvements. By undertaking works on this scale would allow for better value for money.


The Leader of the Council paid tribute to the Cabinet Member and officers for their hard work and creativity in developing this proposal.


RESOLVED – That in relation to the establishment of the Schools Capital Programme:-


      the work to date in addressing the school estate capacity and fabric issues be noted;

      the work on an investable proposition for Special Education Needs and Disability capacity being submitted to the Cabinet by the year end be noted;

      the creation of a £25m capital programme for mainstream schools as detailed in the report be agreed.