Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/09/2017 - Schools Forum (Item 11)

11 2018/19 Budget Planning/Options pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To provide Schools’ Forum members with details of the 2018/19 budget setting requirements, plans and indicative timeline.

To discuss the local options available relating to the construction of the 2018/19 total Schools Budget financed via deployment of the dedicated schools grant (DSG).

Schools’ Forum members are asked to:

a)    Note the above report;

b)   Discuss the local schools funding formula options / early years reform requirements and offer any comments;

c)    Determine if a Schools Forum sub-group is required ahead of any consultation with schools;

d)   Give a view on the transfer of block funding;

e)    Note the proposed timeline; and

f)     Offer any further comments.


Officer contact: Peter Hughes on 474 3947 or email:



A representative of the Borough Treasurer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which provided Schools’ Forum members with details of the 2018/19 budget setting requirements, plans and indicative timeline.


The report provided further details with cross references back to Agenda Items 9 and 10 and the budget preparation options available to the Local Authority as per section 5 of the report.


The following comments were made/issues raised:


·         Schools Forum members felt that a modelling proposal was critical to enable them to understand potential implications.

·         The question of the accuracy of the information relating to free school meals was raised.

·         Some concerns were expressed about those schools that were currently not receiving any deprivation monies.

·         It was agreed that Section 7.3 of the report should be reworded to read ‘that the additional SLA charge assigned to the VA schools for the LA non-statutory element.’

·         Additionally the Diocese representative requested on behalf of the VA schools that such charges for previous years be reimbursed to schools. A representative of the Borough Treasurer outlined that the DfE have supported the Local Authority stance and accept their guidance/regulations had contributed to the ambiguity in this matter and that correcting the matter from April 2018 was acceptable.


RESOLVED – (i) That the report be noted.

(ii) The Local Authority would meet with and present information/options to both the primary and secondary Headteacher consortia groups ahead of the pre-consultation Schools Forum sub-group meetings to be held on Friday 20 October 2017 to discuss and finalise the final consultation proposals/content.

(iii) The Borough Treasurer to facilitate/support the respective PHC/SHC and Schools Forum sub group meetings regarding schools financial consultation proposals.

(iv) Primary and Secondary representatives to discuss the de-delegation options with their wider sector colleagues and report back sector decisions at the next meeting.

(v) The Local Authority to present further updates on all other budget issues (i.e. high needs) at the forthcoming Schools’ Forum meetings.