Issue - meetings

Manchester Area Cross Country League

Meeting: 13/07/2017 - Central Stockport Area Committee (Item 15)

15 Park Event Application: Manchester Area Cross Country League in Woodbank Memorial Park on 13 January 2018 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration


The report sets out an application from Stockport Harriers and AC to hold a Manchester Area Cross Country League event in Woodbank Memorial Park on 13 January 2018.


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the application, subject to the event organiser obtaining the correct permissions, health and safety paperwork and provision of a traffic management plan.


Officer Contact: Kath Hughes on 0161 474 4418 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) setting out an application from Stockport Harriers and  AC to hold a Manchester Area Cross Country league event in Woodbank Memorial Park on 13 January 2018.


RESOLVED - That the application from Stockport Harriers and AC to hold a Manchester Area Cross Country League event in Woodbank Memorial Park on 13 January 2018 be approved, subject to the event organiser obtaining the correct permissions, health and safety paperwork, and provision of a traffic management plan.