Issue - meetings

Portfolio Performance and Resources - Draft Portfolio Agreement 2017/18

Meeting: 03/07/2017 - Communities & Transport Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Portfolio Performance and Resources - Draft Portfolio Agreement 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


Policy priorities for 2017/18 were set out within the Council Plan, which was adopted at the Budget Council Meeting in February. This incorporates the shared outcomes from the Borough Plan alongside specific priorities of the Cabinet.


These priorities are articulated within the Portfolio Agreements, which form the basis for regular in-year reporting. Portfolio and Corporate Performance and Resource Reports (PPRRs and CPRRs) will assess progress against key objectives, priorities, outcomes and budgets, enabling Scrutiny Committees to hold the Cabinet to account and for the Cabinet to identify current and future risks to delivery.


The Agreement has previously been circulated to members of the Scrutiny Committee in draft form, prior to its approval by the Cabinet on 13 June 2017.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on and note the Agreement.


Officer contact: Alan Lawson on 0161 474 5397 or email: / Kora Yohannan on 0161 474 4032 or email:



Additional documents:


The Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the 2017/18 Agreements for the Communities & Housing Portfolio, which set out the policy priorities for the year ahead and incorporated the existing Council and Borough Plan priority outcomes alongside specific priorities of the Cabinet.  The Agreement would also form the basis for regular in-year reporting.


It was noted that the Cabinet had given approval to the Agreement at its meeting on 13 June, and that members of the Scrutiny Committee had the opportunity to submit their comments on the draft Agreement prior to this date.


The Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing (Councillor Sheila Bailey) also attended the meeting to respond to councillors’ questions.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The proposal to launch a campaign in Autumn 2017 to tackle fly-tipping was welcomed.

·         It was suggested that the campaign should include information relating to the need for residents to ensure that if they use a private contractor to dispose of waste that they have the necessary waste transfer licence.  It was stated that there had been instances whereby waste collectors had fly-tipped collected waste leaving the resident open to subsequent prosecution.

·         In relation to the ‘Town Centre Living’ key project for 2017/18, it was commented that there needed to be a defined boundary for the town centre.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.