8 First Quarter 2011/12 Capital Programme Monitoring Report PDF 256 KB
To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Finance)
The report provides an update on expenditure incurred and progress made on projects in the first quarter of 2011/12 and to seek approval for amendments to the capital programme.
The programme approved by Executive on 13 June 2011 has been amended to include new projects which have attracted additional resources and changes in project profiling.
The current programme for 2011/12 is £67.162m and expenditure, including accruals for goods received or work performed, as at 30 June 2011 was £7.418m.
The 2011/12 capital programme is considerably lower than it has been in recent years due to changes and reductions in capital funding settlements. However, there have been some major additions to the programme during quarter one, most significantly the Solar Photovoltaic Panels Scheme, and the programme has been increased by a total of £15.437m in additional funding.
The Executive is asked to
· Approve the changes to the capital programme shown in Appendix One.
· Approve the resourcing of the capital programme set out in Appendix Two.
· Note the progress on capital schemes as set out in Appendix Three.
Officer contact: Christine Buxton, 0161 474 4124, christine.buxton@stockport.gov.uk
The Executive Councillor (Finance) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive Meeting to consider the first quarter position on the 2011/12 Capital Programme. The 2011/12 Programme amounted to £67.162m and expenditure as at 30 June 2011 was £7.418m.
(i) the changes to the capital programme as set out in Appendix One of the report be approved;
(ii) the resourcing of the capital programme as detailed in Appendix Two of the report be approved, and
(iii) progress on capital schemes as set out in Appendix Three of the report be noted.