16 Review of Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 62 KB
To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer
The report considers the current process for the nomination of councillors and officers to outside bodies and the bodies which are currently being nominated to.
The Scrutiny Committee is requested to comment on the schedule attached to the report.
Officer Contact: Jonathan Vali on 0161 474 3201 or email: jonathan.vali@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Monitoring Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) considering the current process for the nomination of councillors and officers to outside bodies and the bodies which are currently being nominated to.
It was reported that the Constitution Working Party at its meeting held on 8 February 2017 had supported the proposals, subject to the Democratic Services Manger being requested to prepare a template for each Member who is appointed to an outside body to complete at the end of the Municipal Year in order to provide feedback on their work undertaken whilst serving the outside body.
The Executive Councillor for Reform & Governance (Councillor David Sedgwick) attended the meeting to answer members’ questions.
RESOLVED – That the recommendations of the Constitution Working Party be supported.
9 Review of Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 61 KB
To consider a report of the Monitoring Officer
The report considers the current process for the nomination of councillors and officers to outside bodies and the bodies which are currently being nominated to.
The Working Party is requested to comment on the schedule attached to the report.
Officer Contact: Jonathan Vali on 0161 474 3201 or email: jonathan.vali@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Monitoring Officer submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) which considered the current process for the nomination of councillors and officers to outside bodies and the bodies which are currently being nominated to.
RESOLVED:- That the Working Party recommends that the proposals in the report be approved, subject to the Democratic Services Manger being requested to prepare a template for each Member who is appointed to an outside body to complete at the end of the Municipal Year in order to provide feedback on their work undertaken whilst serving on the outside body.