Issue - meetings

Osborne Street & Davies Road, Bredbury

Meeting: 07/11/2016 - Werneth Area Committee (Item 11)

11 Osborne Street & Davies Road, Bredbury pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


The report details a proposal for the introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders on Osborne Street, Davies Road and Cottage Gardens, Bredbury following concerns expressed by local residents and businesses that commercial vehicles had been parking inconsiderately, often long-term around the junction of Davies Road with Osborne Street.


The Area Committee is recommended to give approval to the statutory legal advertising of the following scheme, and subject to the receipt of no objections, the subsequent making of the Order at a cost of £1,750 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury & Woodley ward allocation):-


Prohibition of Goods Vehicles Exceeding 3.5t MGW


Osborne Street, Bredbury, south side, access road and parking area fronting the commercial premises occupying numbers 42 to 52.


Cottage Gardens, Bredbury, in its entirety.


Proposed No Waiting at Any Time


Osborne Street, Bredbury, north side, from a point 24 metres west of the westerly kerb line of Davies Road, for a distance of 64 metres in an easterly direction.


Davies Road, Bredbury, both sides, from the northerly kerb line of Osborne Street, for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction.


Officer contact: Nathan Copley on 474 4808 or email:

Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) detailing a proposal for the introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders on Osborne Street, Davies Road and Cottage Gardens, Bredbury following concerns expressed by local residents and businesses that commercial vehicles had been parking inconsiderately, often long-term around the junction of Davies Road with Osborne Street.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the statutory legal advertising of the following scheme, and subject to the receipt of no objections, the subsequent making of the Order at a cost of £1,750 to be funded from the Area Committee’s Delegated Budget (Bredbury & Woodley ward allocation):-


Prohibition of Goods Vehicles Exceeding 3.5t MGW


Osborne Street, Bredbury, south side, access road and parking area fronting the commercial premises occupying numbers 42 to 52.


Cottage Gardens, Bredbury, in its entirety.


Proposed No Waiting at Any Time


Osborne Street, Bredbury, north side, from a point 24 metres west of the westerly kerb line of Davies Road, for a distance of 64 metres in an easterly direction.


Davies Road, Bredbury, both sides, from the northerly kerb line of Osborne Street, for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction.