5 Joint Health And Wellbeing Strategy Outcome Framework 2016-17 Q1 PDF 383 KB
To consider a report of the Report of the Director of Public Health
This report presents the health and wellbeing performance indicators previously agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. Data is taken from the quarterly PPRRs (Portfolio Performance Resource Reports) for the Health, Adult Social Care and Children and Families portfolios wherever possible, so that these processes are aligned.
The Board is invited to receive and note this report and the key indicators and issues summarised within it.
Officer contact: Eleanor Banister, 0161 474 2447 eleanor.banister@stockport.gov.uk
Additional documents:
The Director for Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing performance against indictors previously agreed by the Board. The report summarised key updates from theme leads about progress towards achieving the Health & Wellbeing Strategy ‘we wills’.
It was commented that performance against NHS indictors had deteriorated, but this was reflective of national trends and was in line with expectations.
It was also commented that current performance relating to excess winter deaths was flagged, although data for the last winter period was not expected until September 2016.
RESOLVED – That the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Outcome Framework Quarter 1 2016/17 report be noted.