Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Action Plans

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Open Forum - Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Action Plans pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Representatives from Stockport Homes will attend the meeting to update the Area Committee on progress with delivering the Neighbourhood Action Plans for Offerton and Offerton North and to seek feedback on the draft plans for 2012/13.


Officer contact: Rebecca Cullen (Stockport Homes East Area Housing Manager), 0161 474 2944,

Additional documents:


Fay Whittaker and Sarah Moore (Stockport Homes) attended the meeting and presented the draft 2012/13 Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Action Plans for Offerton and Offerton North (copies of which had been circulated), and seeking the comments of the Area Committee.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         There had been noticeable improvements to the physical environment of the Offerton Estate, as well as an improved community spirit.

·         All partners involved in the Estate should be commended for their hard work, but Stockport Homes in particular.

·         The Council and Stockport Homes had worked hard to make the most of the opportunities to provide some of the most disadvantaged residents of Stockport with access to cheap electricity through the extensive solar panel installation programme.

·         The new community hub on the Estate was attracting a lot of young people, some of whom were engaged in anti-social behaviour. This needed to be monitored.


RESOLVED – (1) That Fay Whittaker and Sarah Moore be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


(2) That the draft Neighbourhood Action Plans for Offerton and Offerton North be welcomed.

Meeting: 21/06/2011 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Action Plans pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To consider a report of the East Area Local Housing Manager (Stockport Homes Limited)


The report provides an update on progress with delivering the Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Action Plans for Offerton and Hazel Grove and details issues for the update of the plans. Summaries of the plans are attached to the report.


The Area Committee is recommended to note the outcomes from the earlier neighbourhood action plans and comment on the updated summary plan for 2011/2012.


Officer contact: Rebecca Cullen, 0161 474 2944,

Additional documents:


Representatives of the East Area Local Housing Manager, Stockport Homes, submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) updating the Area Committee on progress with delivering the Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Action Plans for areas within the Stepping Hill Area Committee area and seeking feedback on the 2011-12 iteration of the plans.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


  • The need to take account of the wider community context when considering reducing age restrictions.
  • Welcomed work to improve Bean Leach Road Play Park. Further work needed to be done to address problems with youths misbehaving.
  • Welcomed work to review communal doors and the response to emergencies arising from these facilities.
  • The new Marhill Court accommodation was commended both for the standard of build and for its environmental elements.
  • Expanding the provision of small play areas such as those at Standford Road would be welcomed.


RESOLVED – That progress with the Stockport Homes Neighbourhood Actions Plans be welcomed.