Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Policing

Meeting: 26/07/2011 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 4)

Neighbourhood Policing

Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


Inspector Brendan O’Brien (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer question from Councillors and members of the public in relation to Neighbourhood Policing issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The following issues were raised/ comments made:-


  • The public needed to ensure windows and doors on both homes and cars were locked when unattended to prevent opportunist thefts.
  • Likely increase in anti-social behaviour as the weather improves. Increased use of Special Constables to support the NPT. Increased action to ensure young people were not gaining access to alcohol from either off-licenses or from parents.
  • Recent County Court judgement in relation to the possession of Offerton Social Club.
  • The recent police operation at Stepping Hill Hospital.


RESOLVED – That Inspector O’Brien be thanked for his attendance.

Meeting: 21/06/2011 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 4)

Neighbourhood Policing

(a)   Councillors and members of the public are invited to raise neighbourhood policing issues with local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


(b)   Mr Stephen Thompson, the Council’s Parking Manager, will attend the meeting to discuss with councillors issues related to illegal and inconsiderate parking in the vicinity of local primary schools.


(a)   Sergeant Jim Lockett (Greater Manchester Police) attended the meeting to answer question from Councillors and members of the public in relation to Neighbourhood Policing issues within the area represented by the Stepping Hill Area Committee.


The following issues were raised/ comments made:-


  • An increased focus on tackle anti-social behaviour had lead to a large reduce.
  • Recent spike in burglaries and car thefts in the East Neighbourhood Policing area, though mostly concentrated in the Bredbury and Woodley areas.
  • Recent arrest of a suspect in relation to the theft of grids although there continued to be incidences of this occurring. Concern was expressed that this crime was not being given sufficient priority.
  • Welcomed work with licensees in Hazel Grove through the Pub Watch Scheme and a reduction in anti-social behaviour.
  • Recurring break-ins at the Co-op on Fulmar Drive and the need to provide support and advice to the management to ensure that such incidences are reduced and the business remains viable as they provide a vital local service.


RESOLVED – That Sgt Lockett be thanked for his attendance.


(b)   Steve Thompson, (Head of Parking, Stockport Council) attended the meeting to answer questions from Councillors in relation to parking enforcement issues in the vicinity of local schools.


Councillors expressed concern that there was insufficient enforcement activity taking place around local schools during the morning and afternoon peaks to tackle inconsideration, illegal and dangerous parking.


Mr Thompson explained that it was not illegal for motorists to park and drop off passengers on waiting restrictions, particularly ‘vulnerable’ passengers, provided that the motorist did not use the opportunity to engage in conversations etc, which in most cases meant that parents were not parking illegally. He also clarified that with current capacity it was only possible to resource two visits per school per term.


Sgt Lockett also clarified the powers of the Police in respect of traffic and parking enforcement and in particular the power to issue fixed penalties for unnecessary obstruction of the highway.


The following additional issues were raised:-


·         Persistent problems with parking outside Warren Wood School causing significant traffic problems. Concern about the lack of feedback from officers to councillors when these issues were reported.

·         Confirmation that there was not a widespread problem with unenforceable no stopping ‘zig zag’ restrictions outside schools.

·         Although not necessarily a high priority for the Police, obstruction of the highway was often a significant concern to the public. The possibility that changes to the legislation to allow the Council to enforce against these offences would be welcomed.


RESOLVED – That Steve Thompson be thanked for his attendance and presentation.