6 Proposals for the Refresh of the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Strategy PDF 126 KB
To consider a report of the Deputy Director of Public Health.
Following the publication of the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board’s refresh of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, (http://www.stockportjsna.org.uk/) there is a need for the Board to review and refresh the Stockport Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The report:-
· describes briefly the statutory requirements for a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
· reviews the previous Stockport Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2015including notable achievements delivered but also identifying how the relevance of the strategy changed over its life cycle.
· sets out proposals for developing a refreshed Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2019 and an ongoing process to ensure that the Strategy continues to reflect local priorities and significant programmes of work throughout the period of its existence.
The Board is recommended to:-
· agree that the Stockport JHWS should be refreshed in 2016.
· consider the proposals for the suggested working group to deliver the refreshed JHWS and make any suggestions for changes or additions as required.
· consider whether there is a need for additional public consultation.
· discuss the proposals for the focus and content of the refreshed JHWS, and consider whether these will meet the needs of the Board and add value to the existing programmes of work.
Officer contact Eleanor Banister: 0161 474 2447, eleanor.banister@stockport.gov.uk
A representative of the Deputy Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Board to consider proposals for the process to be followed for the reviewing and refreshing of the Stockport Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.
The current Strategy had been adopted 3 years ago and did not take account of the a number of significant developments, including Stockport Together, Stockport Family and Greater Manchester devolution. The Board had also recently adopted the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
Members welcomed the suggested process, including the membership of the working group, proposed light-touch consultation, and the new strategy being reviewed annually.
· agreement be given to refreshing the Stockport Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) in 2016;
· the suggested working group to deliver the refreshed JHWS as set out in the report be agreed;
· that the proposed consultation arrangements as set out in the report be agreed.