Issue - meetings

NHS Health Reform

Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Update on Implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and other stakeholders to provide verbal updates on NHS reform, as appropriate.


RESOLVED – That consideration of this item be deferred.

Meeting: 07/03/2013 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

Update on Implementing NHS Health Reform

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and other stakeholders to provide verbal updates on NHS reform, as appropriate.


The Service Director (Transformation & Commissioning) and Deputy Director of Public Health reported that the approach to Public Health transition had been approved by the Executive; that the Appointments Committee had approved the appointment of senior Public Health officers and that the staff and contract transfer documents would be signed by the end of the month.


The Chief Operating Officer and the Director Service Reform, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), attended the meeting and made a presentation on the ongoing service redesign work taking place at the CCG, including the Stockport One project, which was being developed in conjunction with other public sector partners including the Council and NHS Foundation Trusts, and would bring together staff from these organisations to provide more appropriate care for older people with complex needs to improve outcomes and reduce costly interventions.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·                The development of Stockport One sought to build on existing partnership working, but was iterative and adaptable. It was not a ‘pilot’, it represented a change in approach to the delivery of care and services that was taking place. It also needed to be seen in the context of the wider reform agenda.

·                Models were being developed to demonstrate the costs and savings of the new approach.

·                Reducing the burden of collecting and storing data from a range of similar assessments was welcomed, although it was recognised that there were challenges to overcome in the differing language and cultures of each organisation.

·                The involvement and commitment of partners was welcomed as this would help in the sustainability of new delivery models. Integrating teams would hopefully avoid cost shunting between partners.


RESOLVED – (1) That the update be noted and officers be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


(2) That progress with the implementation of Stockport One be welcomed and the approach to service reform be endorsed.

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and other stakeholders to provide verbal updates on NHS Reform, as appropriate.


The Chief Clinical Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), attended the meeting and provided an update on progress with authorisation of the CCG as an NHS body.


The following matters were highlighted:-


·         There had been an authorisation inspection on 31 October 2012. From this there remained  two outstanding criteria that the Inspectors required further evidence for, although the CCG Board were confident that these criteria were met. A final decision was expected in January 2013.

·         Work was on-going to address the funding reductions through major service redesign, such as the Stockport One Service.

·         The CCGs in Greater Manchester and the newly appointed National Commissioning Board Locality Team were engaged in discussions about collaborative commissioning wherever possible, linked to the Healthier Together programme.

·         The CCG were also involved in ongoing monitoring of the performance of Stepping Hill Hospital.

·         It was reiterated that the challenges facing the NHS, and other public sector bodies could not be met without the public themselves taking more responsibility for their own health and lifestyle. There would be increased co-ordination of this message across health and social care providers.


The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing) also provided a brief update on other activity related to health reform:-


·         The first meeting of the Health & Wellbeing Board for Greater Manchester was due to take place shortly.

·         NICE would be attending a workshop in Stockport to ‘road test’ their new Local Authority guidance on obesity, contraceptives and partnership working.


The following additional comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         Getting the message across to the public that they needed to take more responsibility for their own health would be a challenge, particularly during the limited contact patients had with GPs, dentists etc. The message needed to be simple and clear.

·         The public remained distrustful of changes to hospitals and so it would be challenging to convince them of the benefits of relocating services to the community or creating specialist units.

·         The positive relationship between the Scrutiny Committee and the CCG was welcomed; particularly as such relationships did not exist in all parts of the region.


RESOLVED – (1) That the update be noted.


(2) That the Chief Operating Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group be requested to provide updates as appropriate to Committee Members on NHS Authorisation.

Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders to provide a verbal update on NHS Reform, as appropriate.


The Chief Operating Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) attended the meeting and provided an update on progress with authorisation of the CCG as an NHS body and the transfer of staff and functions from the PCT to CCG and other new NHS organisations.


It was anticipated that authorisation would be achieved at the end of October. Consultation with staff was ongoing in conjunction with identifying which of the six possible destination organisations each post would be transferred to.


It was also confirmed that all positions on the CCG Board had now been filled.


RESOLVED – (1) That the update be noted.


(2) That the Chief Operating Officer, Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group be requested to provide the Scrutiny Committee with further details on the new members of the CCG Board and the details of the National Commissioning Board ‘area team’.

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders to provide a verbal update on NHS Reform, as appropriate.


The interim Chief Operating Officer of the Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group attended the meeting and provided an update on the emerging NHS architecture resulting from the Health & Social Care Act 2012.


The update highlighted the key changes to the commissioning arrangements and identified significant post holders in the new Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).


It was emphasised that the aspiration of both the Council and CCG in Stockport was to integrate commissioning arrangements for health and social care services, particularly for complex care pathways.


Comments were made about the scope for engagement with the National Commissioning Board local representative, the need to ensure this relationship was successful and the risk associated with the loss of local knowledge in commissioning.


It was also suggested that greater engagement between the CCG Locality Chairs and the Council’s Area Committee’s would be welcomed.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

Meeting: 24/07/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders to provide a verbal update to the Scrutiny Committee on NHS Reform as appropriate.


Attached is a progress tracker with implementing the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), the interim Chief Operating Officer of Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group and the Service Director (Transformation & Commissioning), Stockport Council attended the meeting and provided an update on ongoing NHS reform.


A copy of a Progress Tracker for the implementation of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 was also submitted (copies of which had been circulated).


The following issues were highlighted:-


·        Continuing work on the transfer of Public Health functions and the integration of the Service within the Council.

·        The Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy had been adopted by the Council’s Executive and the Clinical Commissioning Group Board. Work was now planned to disseminate the Strategy and its key messages.

·        Work was progressing with the development of HealthWatch, which would have a valuable role to play in engagement with patients and the public.


The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing) gave a commitment to submit details of the Public Health budget for the Council to a future meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee once the details of the final settlement were known.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy, Policy, Partnerships and Transformation) be requested to submit further reports tracking progress with the implementation of the Health & Social Care Act 2012.

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform/ 'setting the scene' for the forthcoming year.

The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders are invited to provide a verbal update to the Scrutiny Committee on NHS Reform to ‘set the scene’ for the Scrutiny Committee for the forthcoming year and identifying any areas the Scrutiny Committee might wish to consider in more depth at future meetings.



The Executive Councillor (Health & Wellbeing), the acting Chief Operating Officer of the CCG and the Service Director (Transformation & Commissioning) attended the meeting and provided the Scrutiny Committee with an update ongoing NHS Reform and identifying milestones and significant upcoming developments.


The following key issues were highlighted:-


·         The Clinical Commissioning Group was seeking authorisation as an NHS Body during October/ November 2012. Most appointments had now been made to the CCG Board. The architecture of the new NHS system was beginning to become clearer.

·         The Social Care White Paper was due to be published soon.

·         Public Health was due to be transferred to the Council in April 2013. The provisional budget that would be transferred was in the region of £9-10m. Work was ongoing with the CCG to ensure a smooth transition.


RESOLVED – (1) That the update be noted.


(2) That the Interim Chief Operating Officer of the CCG be requested to provide an update to a future meeting on the emerging NHS architecture including the relationship between local commissioners and the National NHS Commissioning Board.

Meeting: 13/03/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Adults & Health), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders to provide a verbal update to the Committee on NHS Reform as appropriate.


The Executive Councillor (Adults & Health), a representative of the Corporate Director for People and the Director of Public Health attended the meeting and provided the Scrutiny Committee with an update on progress toward implementing NHS reform.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

Meeting: 31/01/2012 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

Update on Progress toward implementing NHS Reform

The Executive Councillor (Adults & Health), representatives of the Council, NHS Stockport and other stakeholders to provide a verbal update the Committee on NHS Reform as appropriate.


The Executive Councillor (Adults & Health) provided an update in respect of NHS Reform. The following issues were highlighted:-


·         The Health and Social Care Bill was due to begin the reading stage in the House of Lords on 8 February. The Lords had proposed a number of amendments during its Committee stage.

·         The Executive Councillor would be attending a national ‘Sharing Event’ event on Health and Wellbeing Boards. An event was planned for 1 March during which stakeholder and the public would be consulted on the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

·         A working group was developing proposals for the establishment of a local HealthWatch.

·         The Clinical Commissioning Group had recently made a number of appointments to senior posts and the Executive Councillor had been involved to provide independent input into this process.

·         Staff within NHS Stockport had recently been written to about the location of their functions within the future NHS structure.


A question was asked about the future composition of Stockport’s Health and Wellbeing Board. The Executive Councillor and a representative of the Democratic Services Manager outlined the key features of the Bill in respect of these Boards, but emphasised that the arrangements for Stockport had yet to be decided.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

Meeting: 13/12/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Update on progress towards implementing NHS Reform

To consider an update from the Managing Director of NHS Stockport on progress with implementing NHS Reform (if any).


Officer contact: Richard Popplewell, 0161 426 5001, 



The Managing Director, NHS Stockport provided an update in respect of NHS Reform. The following issues were highlighted:-


·         The Health and Social Care Bill was currently with the House of Lords and enactment was expected in May 2012.

·         An integration plan was being developed for Public Health integration into the Council.

·         Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) were due to be fully operational by 2013. In Stockport the CCG would be heavily involved in commissioning decisions during the interim period.

·         There remained some uncertainty around the future shape of Commissioning Support Services and the shape and size of the CCG organisations.

·         Despite the uncertainty around NHS reform, the focus of the Scrutiny Committee should remain on improving outcomes.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.

Meeting: 01/11/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

Update on progress towards implementing NHS Reform

To consider an update from the Managing Director of NHS Stockport on progress with implementing NHS Reform (if any).


Officer contact: Richard Popplewell, 0161 426 5001, 


The Managing Director, NHS Stockport, and the Executive Councillor (Adults & Health) provided an update in respect of NHS Reform. The following issues were highlighted:-


  • The Health and Social Care Bill was likely to receive Royal Assent in the summer of 2012.
  • In Stockport, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was taking on increase responsibility from NHS Stockport including a greater role in planning for 2012-13. It was anticipated that the CCG would receive authorisation as an NHS Body from October 2012.
  • Work was ongoing to prepare for the transfer of Public Health functions to the local authority, including identifying the local spend on this activity.
  • The shadow Health & Wellbeing Board would be responsible for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, work on which had already begun, and would inform commissioning by partners.
  • Work was continuing on Transforming Community Services with the drawing up of legal agreements between NHS Stockport and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust for the transfer of community health staff (except for MOSIAC and Learning Difficulties staff).
  • The Health Select Committee had completed its enquiry into public health and the results were due to be published imminently.
  • The detail of the creation of the local Health Watch would be left to individual local authorities.


Councillors sought assurances that the transfer of staff from NHS Stockport to the Foundation Trust would not lead to a diminution in levels of service experienced by patients.


RESOLVED – (1) That the update be noted.


(2) That the Managing Director of NHS Stockport and the Chief Executive of Stockport Foundation Trust be requested to submit a report to a future meeting on progress with Transforming Community Services.

Meeting: 13/09/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

Update on progress towards implementing NHS Reform

To consider an update from the Managing Director of NHS Stockport on progress with implementing NHS Reform (if any).


Officer contact: Richard Popplewell, 0161 426 5001,  



Richard Popplewell, Managing Director of NHS Stockport provided an update in respect to NHS reform as a consequence of the Health Bill currently being considered by Parliament. He commented on the formation of Health & Well Being Boards, the role of Clinical Commissioning Groups and the NHS Commissioning Board, Clinical networks and the Clinical Senate and the role of Patient Participation Groups.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted.

Meeting: 12/07/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Update on progress towards implementing NHS Reform - GP Commissioning pdf icon PDF 80 KB

A representative of Stockport Managed Care Consortium attend the meeting to discuss progress with developing GP lead commissioning in Stockport as part of NHS Reform.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to discuss issues raised during the presentation.


Officer contact: Richard Popplewell, 0161 426 5001,



Dr Ranjit Gill, Chair of Stockport Managed Care Consortium, attended the meeting to update the Scrutiny Committee on preparations for GP lead commissioning in Stockport as part of the reform of the NHS.


Stockport had been selected as one of a number of Pathfinder pilot area/ early implementers of GP commissioning, building on the Practice Based Commissioning that had already been taking place in Stockport.


Dr Gill highlighted the following issues:-


  • It was proposed that the current SMC would cease to be a company from March 2012 and would become a sub committee of the Primary Care Trust cluster, which would be possible as a result of legislative changes. This would allow for transitionary arrangements and structures to be created to transfer functions from the existing PCT to the future commissioning structure.
  • A scheme of delegation had been agreed with the PCT Cluster Locality Board for Stockport which would allow £400m to be commissioned through the new structures.
  • To facilitate patient involvement in commissioning and oversight each Practice would have a ‘Patient Reference Group’ (PRGs) through which practices seek feedback on services but also provide information about decision making. In many cases this engagement would be ‘virtual’ and take place through electronic means.
  • Practices would be clustered for a particular locality, with each practice nominating a lead who would then elect a Locality Chair who would then form part of the Oversight Group which would monitor the decisions of the commissioning Executive. A member of one of the PRGs would also be elected to this Oversight Group, which would also include a representative from Health Watch and from the Council.
  • A Group composed of clinical leads would also be formed to advise the Executive on its commissioning decisions.
  • The Executive itself would include GP Executive Members and directors of the commissioning organisation. Following the Listening Exercise it was also planned to include at least one member of public, care, health professions (such as a consultant and nurse from a hospital out of area) and a representative of Public Health to reflect the challenge of reducing inequalities.


Councillors asked questions and made comments on the presentation, and the following issues were raised:-


  • The involvement of the public in discussions and decisions about commissioning should make explicit the limits of what the NHS could provide. In practice, engaging the public and in particular vulnerable service users may be difficult.
  • The key to improving outcomes would be to improve lifestyles and ‘anticipatory care’, which would mean more effective use of resources.
  • It was important to ensure that Stockport gained from the changes to the NHS. Meeting the projected £80m shortfall in funding and improving outcomes at the same time would be a test of the success of the changes.
  • Stockport had a culture of GP engagement in commissioning which would help ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements.
  • It was anticipated that the cost of the new commissioning arrangements would be less than the current cost of most PCTs. The ambition was to build on the strengths of existing GP practice and to integrate more IT, information and community services across the borough and to shift the balance of spending away from reactive hospital spend to preventative/ community based spending.
  • It was recognised that there were very good facilities in many communities, but there remained serious inequalities. The challenge was to work more collaboratively with partners to address the wider determinants of ill health.
  • It was important to involve groups and individuals not currently engaged who should be engaged. Ensuring transparency and openness in decision making would help the public understand the consequences of these decisions.
  • Continuing the integration of services between health services and the Council was vital to ensure improving outcomes. The changes to the NHS structure should not detract from this work.


RESOLVED – (1) That Dr Gill be thanked for his attendance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4

Meeting: 31/05/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

Update on progress towards implementing NHS Reform

A representative of NHS Stockport will attend the meeting to update the Scrutiny Committee on NHS Reform.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment on the report.


Officer contact: Richard Popplewell, 0161 426 5001,



Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Primary Care and Partnerships (NHS Stockport) attended the meeting and updated the Scrutiny Committee on recent developments with NHS Reform.


The following was highlighted:-


  • The submission of a joint response from the Council and NHS Stockport to the Department of Health’s Listening Exercise for the Health Bill.
  • Creation of a Greater Manchester PCT Cluster with representation from all the local PCT Boards. There remained a degree of uncertainty about the relationship to the Greater Manchester Board and local organisations.
  • Ongoing work with the Stockport Managed Care Consortium in preparation for the GP Commissioning Pathfinder and the abolition of PCTs from 2012-13. Much of the detail of this process was still unavailable. There was particular work taking place to ensure appropriate clinical engagement in commissioning and the mechanisms for electing GPs to the consortium board.
  • Early implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Work was ongoing to resolve concerns about the interface with existing joint commissioning arrangements.
  • More details were expected on the arrangements for the transfer of public health functions to Local Authorities.


The Executive Councillor (Adults & Health) reported that there discussion between local authority representatives and the new PCT Cluster to ensure the concerns of ensuring a sufficiently local focus to the work of local PCTs. He also reported that the Greater Manchester Health Commission were considering the role of that body within the new health framework.


Councillors expressed concern about the relationship between Stockport and the PCT Cluster to ensure the local needs of Stockport were being met, in particular in the work to tackle inequalities and to ensure community input. Concern was also expressed that the NHS Reforms may hamper the work already underway, and recommended by the Marmott Review, to integrate services rather than to increase competition between local service providers.


The Chair stressed the need to ensure ongoing dialogue between the Scrutiny Committee and the emerging local partners, in particular the GP Consortium, and to ensure there was robust oversight of these arrangements and the work of NHS Stockport/ PCT Cluster during this transition.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.