Issue - meetings

Coeliac Society

Meeting: 31/05/2011 - Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

Coeliac Society

A representative of the Coeliac Society has been invited to the meeting to discuss the work of the organisation.


The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment on the presentation.


Officer contact: Jonathan Vali, 0161 474 3201,



Lorna Gardner (Dietician at Coeliac UK), Barbara Kirkham (Cheshire Coeliac Group Co-ordinator), Ken Coxley (Cheshire Coeliac Group) attended the meeting and made a presentation the work of the Coeliac Group both nationally and locally.


The Coeliac Group campaigned on behalf of those with Coeliac disease which was an autoimmune condition triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Treatment required a strict gluten free diet. If left untreated the condition could lead to poor growth in children, osteoporosis, infertility and increased risk of small bowel cancer.


The presentation focussed on treatment for sufferers and in particular the problems and issues arising from inconsistencies and changes to the prescribing approach of general practitioners. A national prescribing guide had been developed in 2004 by a number of national bodies and reviewed in 2010. Recent changes to the policy in Stockport had caused concern amongst members of the Cheshire Group and discussion had been ongoing with NHS Stockport to resolve the issues. In particular, members had been concerned that a number of popular choices of foods had been removed which many felt had an adverse impact on their quality of life and meant sufferers were not able to enjoy a balanced diet. There was also concern that there had been inadequate consultation on the changes.


Roger Roberts (Associate Director Commissioning - Long Term Conditions and Medicines Management, NHS Stockport) also attended the meeting and confirmed that discussions were ongoing with the Coeliac Group about resolving their concerns. He also confirmed that the cost prescribing some gluten free products, in particular fresh bread, significantly exceeded the cost of the product. There was ongoing work to explore other options and models for the provision of fresh gluten-free produce. It was also confirmed that the NHS Stockport Board had recently agreed to reintroduce pasta onto the list of products available via prescription.


Members welcomed the dialogue that was now taking place between NHS Stockport and the Coeliac Group.


RESOLVED – (1) That Lorna Gardner, Barbara Kirkham and Ken Coxley be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


(2) That the Chief Executive (NHS Stockport) be requested to provide an update to the Scrutiny Committee in September 2011 on discussions with the Coeliac Group in relation to prescriptions for gluten free produce.