5 Application for Ward Flexibility Funding - Cheadle and Gatley Griffins PDF 446 KB
To consider an application for Ward Flexibility Funding received on behalf of Cheadle and Gatley Griffins towards the cost of a weekly ladies dodgeball event at Cheadle College.
Additional documents:
A representative of the Cheadle and Gatley Griffins attended the Area Committee to answer questions from Members in relation to an application from Cheadle and Gatley Griffins towards the cost of a weekly ladies dodgeball event at Cheadle College.
RESOLVED - That the Ward Flexibility Funding from Cheadle and Gatley Griffins for £1,000 towards the cost of a weekly ladies dodgeball event at Cheadle College be approved, to be funded as follows:-
Cheadle and Gatley Ward - £500
Cheadle Hulme North Ward - £250
Heald Green Ward - £250