Issue - meetings

Joint Halth and Wellbeing Strategy Outcome Framework 2015-16 Q4

Meeting: 18/05/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Outcome Framework 2015-16 Q4 pdf icon PDF 284 KB

To consider a report of the Director for Public Health.


This report presents the health and wellbeing performance indicators previously agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. This report also summaries key updates from theme leads about progress towards achieving the Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘we wills’. Commentary for the overall underlying principles has also been added and is aligned with reporting of the Stockport Together programme, this will develop further as the programme evolves.


The Board is invited to note the report and comment as appropriate.


Officer contact: Eleanor Banister, 0161-474-2447,


The Director for Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the health and wellbeing performance indicators previously agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. The report also summarised key updates from theme leads about progress towards achieving the Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘we wills’.  Commentary for the overall underlying principles had also been added and was aligned with reporting of the Stockport Together programme.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         It was noted that the performance indicator in respect of the number of adults with a learning disability in paid employment remained static and it was reported that the Council’s Learning Disability service continued to work with Pure Innovations to give priority to making improvements in this area.

·         Further information was requested in respect of the winter death figures with a particular focus around the separation of flu-related deaths from other categories.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.