10 Highway Maintenance and Local Initiatives PDF 35 KB
To consider a report of the Service Director (Environment) (Enclosed)
The report details a proposed scheme for Crossefield Road, Cheadle Hulme.
The Area Committee is requested to consider the proposal outlined in the report.
Officer contact: Chris Pollitt 0161 474 5689, chris.pollitt@stockport.gov.uk
A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) of the Service Director (Environment) detailing a proposed scheme for Crossefield Road, Cheadle Hulme.
RESOLVED – That the following be approved:-
Crossefield Road, Cheadle Hulme
Pathway between 109-111 leading to Ladybrook Valley
To remove old style pedestrian railing and install two sections of half width pedestrian guard railing (staggered) at an approximate cost of £500 from the Area Committee’s Highway Maintenance and Traffic Management delegated budget (Cheadle Hulme North ward allocation).