To consider a report of the Chief Executive
The report sets out an event application from Gatley Festival Committee to hold an afternoon/evening music event on William Scholes Fields on 2 July 2016.
The Area Committee is recommended to grant the application, subject to the production of appropriate papers, event plans, payment of a bond and any fees due.
Officer Contact: Iain Bate on 0161 474 4421 or email:
Additional documents:
A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Chief Executive (copies of which had been circulated) regarding an application from the Gatley Festival Committee to hold an afternoon/evening music event on William Scholes Fields on 2 July 2016.
RESOLVED - That an application from the Gatley Festival Committee to hold an afternoon/evening music event on William Scholes Fields on 2 July 2016 be approved, subject to the production of appropriate papers, event plans, payment of a bond and any fees due.