Issue - meetings

Area Committee Highway Ward Spokespersons

Meeting: 10/06/2015 - Marple Area Committee (Item 15)

15 Area Committee Highway Ward Spokespersons pdf icon PDF 76 KB

The Area Committee are requested to note the current arrangements in relation to the role of Highway Ward Spokespersons and the monitoring of the Highway Maintenance and Local Initiatives Delegated budget.


The Area Committee is requested to note the report and nominate a spokesperson for each ward.


Officer Contact: Stephen Fox on Tel: 474 3206 or



A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the Area Committee Highway Ward Spokesperson protocol and requesting the Area Committee to nominate highway ward spokespersons.


RESOLVED -  That Councillors Kenny Blair and Sue Ingham  be appointed as joint highway ward spokespersons for the Marple North and South wards.