Issue - meetings

Park Event Application - Hazel Grove Carnival at Torkington Park on Saturday 11th July 2015.

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Stepping Hill Area Committee (Item 15)

15 Park Event Application - Hazel Grove Carnival at Torkington Park on Saturday 11th July 2015. pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.


An event application has been received from the Hazel Grove Carnival Association to hold their annual Hazel Grove Carnival event at Torkington Park on Saturday 11th July 2015.


The Area Committee is recommended to approve the application subject to the necessary licences, traffic considerations and documentation being recieved.


Officer contact: Sharon Duke, 0161 474 3289,

Additional documents:


A representative of the Democratic Services Manager submitted a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Area Committee to consider an application from the Hazel Grove Carnival Association to use Torkington Park on 11 July 2015 for the annual Hazel Grove Carnival.


RESOLVED – That the application from Hazel Grove Carnival Association to use Torkington Park on 11 July 2015 for the Hazel Grove Carnival be approved, subject to the receipt of appropriate documentation and the necessary licenses and traffic management arrangements being in place.