Issue - meetings

DC058201 276 Styal Road report

Meeting: 25/06/2015 - Planning & Highways Regulation Committee (Item 6)

6 DC058201 - 276 Styal Road, Heald Green pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Two storey side and front extensions, single storey rear extension and increase in ridge height.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions contained in the report.


Officer contact: Anthony Smith on 0161 474 3569 or email:

Additional documents:


In respect of plan no. 58201 for a two storey side and front extensions, single storey rear extension and increase in ridge height at 276 Styal Road, Heald Green, it was


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted subject to the removal of permitted development rights.

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Cheadle Area Committee (Item 8)

8 DC058201 - 276 Styal Road, Heald Green pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Two storey side and front extensions, single storey rear extension and increase in ridge height.


The Area Committee is requested to recommend the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions contained in the report.

Additional documents:


In respect of two storey side and front extensions, single storey rear extension and increase in ridge height at 276 Styal Road, Heald Green


the applicant spoke in support of the application


It was then


RESOLVED – That the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee be recommended to approve the application, subject to the conditions contained in the report and the removal of permitted development rights.