Issue - meetings

Greater Manchester Spatial Framework

Meeting: 02/04/2015 - Council Meeting (Item 3)

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To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management & Regeneration.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform and Finance) (Councillor Sue Derbyshire) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) detailing the proposed Greater Manchester Spatial Framework which aimed to provide an informed and integrated approach to spatial planning across the city region.


RESOLVED – (1) That approval be given to the making of an agreement with the other nine Greater Manchester councils to prepare jointly the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater Manchester (as set out in Appendix 1 of the attached AGMA Executive Board report of the 28 November 2014) as a joint development plan document on terms to be approved by the Council’s Chief Executive.


(2) That it be noted that the Executive will be asked to delegate the formulating and preparing of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to AGMA Executive Board.


(3) That it be noted that there will be further reports to full Council in respect of matters which were within the remit of the Council Meeting including approval of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.


(4) That approval be given to the amendment of paragraph 13.2 of Schedule 1 to the AGMA constitution by deleting the words ‘(initially in terms of Waste and Minerals Planning)‘ and authorise the updating of the AGMA Constitution to reflect this.

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Executive (Item 13)

13 Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (EDR37) pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration)


On the 29th August 2014 the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) / AGMA Executive Board agreed that the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) should be progressed as a joint Development Plan Document (DPD). At their meeting of the 28th November 2014 the AGMA Executive Board considered a report which provided further detail on the proposed scope of the GMSF, outlined amendments required to the AGMA constitution and identified the decisions to be requested from individual local authorities to initiate this process.  The AGMA Executive Board resolved to take forward the recommendations outlined in the report.


This report provides a summary of the key elements of the AGMA Executive Report of the 28th November and identifies a number of subsequent recommendations to the Council and Executive.


The Executive are requested to follow recommendations (a) to (d) of the report and agree that recommendations (e) to (h) be put before the Council.


Officer contact: Emma Curle, 0161-474-3542,


Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council (Policy, Reform & Finance) submitted a report of the Executive Councillor (Economic Development & Regeneration) (copies of which had been circulated) inviting the Executive to consider an update on decisions taken by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority / AGMA Executive Board in relation to the development of a Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. This Framework would provide an informed and integrated approach to spatial planning across the city region. As a joint Development Plan Document, this would have greater weight in the planning process as a statutory document. It would also be subject to extensive consultation and require formal adoption by each of the 10 local authorities of Greater Manchester.


RESOLVED – That in relation to the preparation of a Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF):-


(a)  the making of an agreement with the other 9 Greater Manchester councils to prepare jointly the GMSF to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater Manchester (as set out in Appendix 1 of the attached AGMA Executive Board report of 28 November 2014) as a joint development plan document be noted and approved;


(b)  the formulating and preparing of the GMSF to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater  Manchester (as set out in Appendix 1 of the attached AGMA Executive Board report of 28 November 2014) be delegated to the AGMA Executive Board, insofar as such matters were executive functions.


(c)   that the following being the sole responsibility of the Council Meeting be noted:


·           responsibility for giving of instructions to the executive to reconsider the draft plan submitted by the executive for the authority’s consideration;

·           the amendment of the draft GMSF plan document submitted by the executive for the Council Meeting’s consideration;

·           the approval for the purpose of its submission to the Secretary of State or Minister of the Crown for his approval of the GMSF if required;

·           the approval of the GMSF document for the purposes of submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination; and

·           the adoption of the GMSF.


(d)  the amendment of paragraph 13.2 of Schedule 1 to the AGMA constitution by deleting the words ‘(initially in terms of Waste and Minerals Planning)‘ be approved and the updating of the AGMA Constitution to reflect this be authorised.


(2) That the Council Meeting be recommended to:


(a)  approve the making of an agreement with the other 9 Greater Manchester councils to prepare jointly the GMSF to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater Manchester (as set out in Appendix 1 of the attached AGMA Executive Board report of 28 November 2014) as a joint development plan document on terms to be approved by the Chief Executive;


(b)  note that the Executive had delegated the formulation and preparation of the GMSF to AGMA Executive Board;


(c)   note that there will be further reports to Council Meeting in respect of matters which were within the remit of Council Meeting including approval of the GMSF;


(d)  approve the amendment of paragraph 13.2 of Schedule 1 to the AGMA constitution by deleting the words ‘(initially in terms of Waste and Minerals Planning)‘ and authorise the updating of the AGMA Constitution to reflect this.

Meeting: 05/03/2015 - Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Greater Manchester Spatial Framework pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration


The report sets a proposal relating to the making of an agreement with the other local authorities in Greater Manchester to prepare jointly the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater Manchester as a joint development plan document.


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment on the report, prior to its consideration by the Executive at its meeting on 17 March 2015.


 Officer Contact: Emma Curle on 0161 474 3542 or email:


Additional documents:


The Corporate Director for Place Management and Regeneration submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) relating to the making of an agreement with the other local authorities in Greater Manchester to prepare jointly the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to cover housing and employment land requirements and associated infrastructure across Greater Manchester as a joint development plan document.


The report would be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 17 March 2015.


The Executive Councillor (Economic Development and Regeneration) (Councillor Patrick McAuley) attended the meeting to respond to Members’ questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         Members offered support for the production of the joint development plan document as a starting point towards the planning of the sub-region and the districts within it.

·         A Member expressed concern that the framework may be over prescriptive to the borough in the future.

·         A Member felt that the target of 1,000 houses in Stockport would be difficult to achieve with the land available and within the proposed timescale, and it pre-supposed that there were enough housebuilders able and willing to invest.


RESOLVED – That the Executive be advised that the Scrutiny Committee supports in principle the preparation of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.