Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Scrutiny Review Panel Final Report: Community Use of Public Buildings pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider a report of the Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee.


It was agreed by the Corporate, Resource Management and Governance Scrutiny Committees at its meeting on 16 September 2014 to undertake a Scrutiny Review into The use of public buildings in the Borough and their availability for community use’. This report is the culmination of that Review.


The Executive is invited to receive the report and request the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services to prepare a response to the recommendations contained in the report.


Officer contact: Craig Ainsworth, 0161 474 3204,

Additional documents:


The Lead Councillor (Councillor Peter Burns) of the Scrutiny Review into the Community Use of Public Buildings attended the meeting to present the final report of the Review (copies of which had been circulated) to the Executive and to answer questions from executive councillors.


RESOLVED – (1) That the Corporate Director for Corporate and Support Services be requested to prepare a response to the “Community Use of Public Buildings” Scrutiny Review and the recommendations contained therein for consideration by the Executive at a future meeting.


(2) That the gratitude of the Executive be recorded for the excellent work undertaken by the Scrutiny Review Panel ‘Community Use of Public Buildings’ and others involved in the Review.

Meeting: 03/03/2015 - Corporate, Resource Management & Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Scrutiny Review Panel Final Report: Community Use of Public Buildings pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider the final report of the Scrutiny Review Panel – Community Use of Community Buildings


The Scrutiny Committee is recommended to comment upon the draft Final Report prior to its submission to the Executive.


Officer contact: Craig Ainsworth on 474 3204 or email:



Councillor Peter Burns introduced the final report on the draft Scrutiny Review on the Community use of Public Buildings in the Borough.


The Deputy Executive Leader and Portfolio holder for Corporate, Customer and Community Services (Councillor Iain Roberts) attended the meeting to answer members’ questions.


The following comments were made/issues raised:-


·         The recommendations of the Review Panel should inform the work currently being undertaken in relation to the ‘Locality Operating Model’ as part of Investing in Stockport Programme.

·         A number of pavilions within parks were well used by community groups and should have been included in the scope of the Review.

·         Councillors should be encouraged to become involved in the Voluntary Management Committees in relation to community buildings.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the comments of the Scrutiny Committee be referred to the Executive for consideration and that the Executive be informed that this Scrutiny Committee supports the recommendations detailed in the report.


(3) Councillors be encouraged to become involved in the Voluntary Management Committees in relation to community buildings.


(4) That a report in relation to ‘Locality Operating Model’ as part of Investing in Stockport Programme be submitted to this Scrutiny Committee early in the next municipal year.