To consider a report of the Director of Public Health
The report provides an update on progress for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2014/15 and also an opportunity to view and comment on the first of a series of JSNA products, which together will form the 2015 JSNA refresh. Planning papers have previously been considered by the board, which proposed management structures (since implemented) and set out proposals for the 2014/15 work programme.
The Board is invited to
· comment on the demographic and population product, does this provide the Board with the level of detail they need to understand the changing population of Stockport?
· approve the recommendation to publish this product and seek feedback from JSNA users via an online survey.
· endorse the next steps identified for future product development.
Officer contact: Eleanor Banister, 0161 474 2447,
Additional documents:
A representative of the Director of Public Health and the Chair of Healthwatch Stockport submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) providing the Board with an update on progress with the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for 2014/15, as well as providing the Board with the an opportunity to comment on the first of a series of JSNA products related to the demographic profile of Stockport.
The significant highlights included:-
· the number of births was greater than the number of deaths;
· there was an increased rate of births in the more deprived areas of the Borough;
· the population was ageing;
· there was an increasing number of new homes planned, mostly in more affluent areas, that may lead to a faster rate of population increase and changing demand on services;
· there was an increasing number of single person households;
· there increasing ethnic and religious diversity in the population of the Borough.
The following comments were made/ issues raised:-
· This data was the vital in the process of improving services.
· There was a danger that deprivation factors as contributors to poor health would not be given sufficient weight in the analysis. It was commented that any general analysis of the type in the report would lose some of the nuance of any given situation.
· ‘Real time’ information available through the JSNA website would be an invaluable tool for commissioners.
· Other important strands that would be useful for commissioners included Mental Health and Health Life Expectancy.
· In relation to public engagement on the JSNA had been good, although there had been difficulties for some organisations in finding the capacity to engage.
RESOLVED – (1) That the JSNA Population profile be approved for publication and that feedback from JSNA users via an online survey be sought.
(2) That the next steps identified for future JSNA product development as detailed in the report be endorsed.