Issue - meetings

Don't lose sight

Meeting: 14/01/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 Don't lose sight - Health Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To consider a report of the Director of Public Health.


A full eye health needs assessment for Stockport has been completed and has been published as part of the JSNA series. It is available to view at


The summary of this report is presented in section 2 and highlights the impact of preventable sight loss on Stockport and the increasing numbers anticipated over time. It describes the burden of sight loss in Stockport and the modifiable risk factors for preventing sight loss. The report makes a number of recommendations for the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider.


The quality and provider management committee of the CCG have considered this report in draft and identified some key actions for the CCG.


Crucial to reducing the number of people with preventable sight loss in Stockport is raising awareness of preventative messages amongst public and professionals.


The Board is invited to consider the report and the recommendations contained within it, and comment as appropriate.


Officer contact: Dr Vicci Owen Smith / Eleanor Banister; 0161 474 2447/ /


A representative of the Director of Public Health submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated) summarising the eye health assessment for Stockport that would form part of the JSNA series. The report highlighted the impact of preventable sight loss on Stockport and the increasing numbers anticipated over time. The report also described the burden of sight loss in Stockport and the modifiable risk factors for preventing sight loss.


The assessment had been considered by the Clinical Commissioning Group and identified actions to address its findings, but the report also highlighted some issues for the Health & Wellbeing Board to consider.


The following comments were made/ issues raised:-


·         The report had been commissioned in response to national concerns about eye health and the rise in the number of preventable conditions that were creating a burden on services, particularly as the population got older. Feedback from focus groups and service users about the service in Stockport was generally positive.

·         Future smoking campaigns should be more explicit about the link between smoking and blindness.

·         Most of the recommendations within the report had limited resource implications and could be achieved through modifications to pathways. Because of this the report did not identify a priority order to the recommendations. The report would also be shared with partners and commissioners to identify these simple ‘quick wins’ and to review their services to ensure they were as good as they could be.

·         Concerns were expressed about whether the public were aware of the support available to them if they had visual impairments and whether there was sufficient signposting available. In response it was stated that there were still specialist workers within Adult Social Care who would undertake assessments and provide signposting.


RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.


(2) That the Board supports the recommendations contained in the report and encourages the Public Health Service to work with partners and commissioners to assess their pathways and services to ensure they addressed the issues raised in the Eye Health Assessment, and to report back to the Board on progress at an appropriate time.